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nacionalna avio-kompanija slavi rođendan Er Srbija: Prvih Air Serbia: the
Godine 2013. tadašnja srpska nacionalna avio-kompani- ja bila je suočena sa brojnim izazovima. Posle višegodišnje stagnacije bila je neophodna kompletna transformacija. Tako je 1. avgusta 2013. godine, uz snažnu podršku Vlade Republike Srbije, potpisan ugovor o strateškom partner- stvu sa kompanijom „Etihad ervejz“, a 26. oktobra iste godine rođena je Er Srbija. Prvi let između Beograda i Abu Dabija obavljen je avionom „erbas A319“, koji je do- bio ime „Novak Đoković“. Već na taj način Er Srbija je želela da pokaže svoj pobed- nički mentalitet. Kompletno je obnovljena flota, proširena mreža destinacija, uspo- stavljeni su efikasni procesi i implementirani novi savremeni sistemi.
Beograd–Njujork Posle pauze od četvrt veka, u junu 2016. godine, ponovo su uspostavljeni letovi između Be- ograda i Njujorka. Er Srbija ta- ko postaje jedina avio-kompani- ja u širem regionu Balkana koja ima direktne letove do Sjedinje- nih Američkih Država.
Za manje od godinu dana u flotu je uvedeno deset aviona tipa „erbas“, osam letelica tipa A319 i dve le- telice tipa A320. Prvi put u istoriji avionima nacio- nalne avio-kompanije počinju da upravljaju i žene.
Back in 2013, the then Serbian national airline faced numerous challenges. After many years of stagnation, it was necessary to carry out a complete transformation of the company. And so it was that on 1 st August, 2013, with the strong
support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an agreement on a strategic partnership was signed with company Etihad Airways, and Air Serbia was born on 26 th October of that same year. The inaugural flight between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi was operated using an Airbus A319 which received the name “Novak Đoković”. Air Serbia wanted to thereby display its winning mentality. The fleet was renewed completely and the network of destinations was expanded, with effective processes established and new, modern systems implemented.
Belgrade - new york After a break lasting a quarter of a century, flights between Belgrade and New York were re-established in June 2016. Air Serbia thereby became, and remains, the only airline in the wider Balkan region providing direct flights to the United Sta- tes of America.
In less than a year, the fleet had been joined by ten Ai- rbus aircraft – eight A319 aircraft and two A320s. The planes of the country’s national airline also began be- ing piloted by women for the first time in history.
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