Destinacija / Destination
Ugao Nikole Tesle, Menhetn Gdje je Tesla hranio svoje golubove Nikola Tesla ima svoj ugao u Njujor- ku. Provodio je veliki deo svog vre- mena hraneci golubove u Brajant parku, koji se nalazi u istoj ulici u kojoj se sada nalazi njegovo ćoše. Grad je 1994. godine nazvao ugao 40. i Ave- nije Amerike (Šesta avenija) po Ni- koli Tesli. Neobično, umesto da su izabrali da istaknu neko od mesta Te- slinih značajnog otkrica, činilo se da Njujork umesto toga podseca na Te- slinu legendarnu ljubav prema golu- bovima. Brajant park, između Javne biblioteke i Šeste avenije, bio je me- sto gde je Tesla hranio hiljade golu- bova i brinuo o njima.
Nikola Tesla Corner, Manhattan Where Tesla fed his pigeons Tesla has his own street corner in New York City. Prior to his death, he spent much of his time feeding pigeons in Bryant Park, which is located on the same street where his com- memorative marker now hangs. It was in 1994 that the City dubbed the corner of 40 th Street and the Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue) Nikola Tesla Corner. Unusu- ally, rather than choosing to highlight one of Tesla’s places of significant discovery, New York City instead seemed to have chosen to memorialise Tesla’s legendary love for pi- geons with its placement. Bryant Park, sit- uated between the NYC Public Library and Sixth Avenue, was where Tesla famously fed thousands of pigeons and cared for many.
Univerzitet Kolumbija Gde je Tesla pokazao bežično osvetljenje Izmislio je Teslin kalem oko 1891. Iste godine, na prolecnom sa- stanku Američkog instituta elek- troinženjera, demonstrirao je ka- ko se njegov najnoviji pronalazak može koristiti za bežično osvetlje- nje. Demonstracija je održana na staroj lokaciji Univerziteta Kolum- bija u 49. ulici, između Medison i Četvrte avenije. Iako se kampus Univerziteta Kolumbija preselio u gornji deo grada, na svoju tre- nutnu lokaciju u 116. ulici i Brodve- ju, Tesla ce zauvek biti deo slavne istorije ove škole. He invented his famous Tesla coil around the year 1891. And it was during the same year that he demonstrated how his newest in- vention could be used for wire- less lighting at the spring meeting of the American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers. The demonstra- tion took place at Columbia Uni- versity’s old location, at 49 th Street between Madison Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Although the Co- lumbia University campus has since relocated uptown to its cur- rent location, at 116 th Street and Broadway, Tesla will forever be in- grained in the school’s history. Columbia University Where Tesla presented wireless lighting
The Players club Gde je Tesla igrao karte sa Markom Tvenom Godine 1847. šekspirovski glumac Edvin But, stariji brat ozloglašenog Džona Vilksa Buta, kupio je vilu u Gramersi par- ku 16 i osnovao „Klub igrača“. Prvobitna svrha kluba bila je dvostruka: da se rehabilituje ukaljano ime Butovih nakon ubi- stva predsednika Linkolna i da se obezbedi društveni ambi- jent za umetnike kako bi se družili sa elitom. Tesla je bio jedan od mnogih zapaženih članova kluba koji je uključivao velika imena. Vec prijatelj sa Teslom, Mark Tven ga je pozvao u klub, gde su često zajedno igrali karte. Tven je inače bio impresioniran Teslinim izumima i često je po- sećivao njegove laboratorije, čak je i učestvovao u ekspe-
The Players club Where Tesla played cards with mark t wain
In 1847, 19 th -century Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth, the older brother of notorious assassin John Wilkes Booth, pur- chased a mansion at 16 Gramercy Park and established The Players Club. The original purpose of the club was twofold: to renew the tarnished Booth name following the assassina- tion of President Lincoln, and to provide a social setting for up- and-coming artists to socialise with the cream of society. Te- sla was one of many notable members of the Players Club, which included other big names. Already a friend with Tes- la, Mark Twain invited him to the Club, where they often played cards together. Interestingly, Twain had been impressed by Tesla's inventions and was a frequent visitor to his laboratories, where he even participated in experiments. Tesla, for his part,
rimentima. Tesla je sa druge strane tvrdio je da je još pre odlaska u Ameriku Tven bio čovek
Brajant park, između Javne biblioteke i Šeste avenije, bio je mesto gde je Tesla hranio hiljade golubova Bryant Park, situated between the NYC Public Library and Sixth Avenue, was where Tesla famously fed thousands of pigeons
koji ga je „spasao” dok je bolestan le- žao u postelji jer je čitao njegove knji- ge, koje su mu pomogle da ozdra- vi. Mnogo godina kasnije, kada
claimed that even prior to departing for America, Twain had been the man who “saved” him while he was lying ill in bed reading his books, which helped his recovery. When he recounted this anecdote to the author many years later, the creator of Tom Sawyer burst into tears. As for the Players Club, it is unknown who won the card games, but the club remains ac- tive to this day and its members still include famous people like, for example, Ethan Hawke or Jimmy Fallon.
mu je to ispričao, tvorac To- ma Sojera briznuo je u plač. Što se tiče „Plejers kluba“, ni- je poznato ko je pobeđivao u kartama, ali je taj klub i danas aktivan, a članovi su poznati ljudi poput Itana Hoka ili Dži- mija Felona.
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