er srbija info / air Serbia info
Marko Ivanović, First Officer Three questions for...
Tri pitanja za...
Maksimalna udobnost je prioritet maximum comfort is our priority
Marka Ivanovića, kopilota
Nove mogućnosti NEW possibilities
Gde biste najradije dočekali proleće, u
Where would you most like to welcome spring, in which of the cities that Air Serbia flies to? “Spring has arrived, and coming up soon are the Ea- ster and May Day holidays, which we all look forward to. Many of us would prefer to spend our days off in an inte- resting new destination, and spring is the ideal time to travel. Of all the destinations to which Air Serbia flies, I would always choose Paris. Observing Paris’s beautiful buildings, adorned with blossoming tree canopies, is re- ason enough for you to want to find yourself in the city of
kom gradu do kog leti Er Srbija? – Stiglo nam je proleće, a uskoro nam stižu i uskršnji i prvomajski praznici, kojima se svi radujemo. Mnogi od nas slobodne dane najradije provode na novoj, zanimljivoj desti- naciji, a proleće je idealno vreme za putovanja. Od svih de- stinacija na koje leti Er Srbija ja bih uvek izabrao Pariz. Pogled na prelepe pariske zgrade ukrašene procvetalim krošnja- ma dovoljan je razlog da poželite da se ovog proleća nađe- te u Gradu svetlosti. Dovoljno je toplo da možete da sedite
Er Srbija najbolji E-Commerce brend u oblasti putovanja i turizma za 2022. Glasovima javnosti i stručnog žirija u okviru „Hot Spot eCommerce Awards“, Er Srbija je proglašena za najbo- lji E-Commerce brend u oblasti putovanja i turizma za Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine kada je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima – Aeroputa, koja je osnovana u junu 1927. godine. Od tada do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduho- plovstva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asoci- jacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Er Srbija leti do preko 70 redovnih i čarter destinacija u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Africi. Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- ljeva. Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Sr- bije. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kva- liteta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo mak- simalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete.
Air Serbia declared 2022 Travel & Tourism online store of the year Air Serbia has been declared the Travel & Tourism On- line Store of the Year for 2022 thanks to the votes of the public and the expert jury of the "Hot Spot eCommerce Awards". The jury focused on the complexity of onli- ne sales and the scope of digital services, as well as attendance and intuitiveness in the online offer. Air Serbia’s Head of E-Commerce, Srđan Prokić, ac- cepted the award on behalf of Air Serbia, empha- sising that it serves to confirm the success of the activities implemented in the field of digitalisation. “We are one of the few companies in Serbia that has online sales in as many as 16 foreign cu- rrencies, and we also have the largest online traffic. We will continue to improve digital channels and the guest experience. We hope for some new acknowledgment, al- so beyond the borders of Serbia, because our competiti- on is primarily global,” said Prokić. The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013, when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan- ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and servi- ces across its growing network of destinations. Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airli- ne: Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Serbian national airline has been among the leaders of civil avia- tion, becoming a member of the International Air Transport Asso- ciation (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 70 regular and charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both passenger and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its partner airli- nes, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international destinations in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa. Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla, as its home airport, Air Ser- bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and Morava Airport near Kraljevo. Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly.
lights this spring. It’s warm eno- ugh for you to be able to sit in the gardens of bistros, drinking local wines and eating cheeses. Don’t miss out on touring some of the famous museums, strolling throu- gh Luxembourg Gardens and the Gardens of Versailles, and cruising the Seine.” You fly the A330 and, apart from Tesla, we now also have Pupin. Is it more demanding to fly larger planes compared to smaller aircraft, like the A319 and A320? “Flying a wide-body aircraft is the crowning glory of a pilot’s career, and in their childhood all pilots dreamt of flying large air- craft along transoceanic routes. There’s no major difference today in the actual technique of piloting and operating an A330 compared to the planes that fly shorter rou- tes, but there is a major differen- ce when it comes to preflight pre-
u baštama bistroa, pijete lokalna vina i jedete sireve. Ne propustite da poseti- te neki od čuvenih muzeja, šetajte par- kom Luksemburg, vrtom Versaja i kr- starite Senom. Letite na A330, a sad, pored „Te- sle“, imamo i „Pupina“. Da li je zahtev- nije leteti na većim avionima u odno- su na one manje, poput A319 i A 320? – Upravljanje širokotrupnim avio- nom je kruna pilotske karijere i svi pilo- ti su kao dečaci sanjali da lete na ve- likim avionima na prekookeanskim linijama. Danas ne postoji velika razli- ka u samoj tehnici pilotiranja i uprav- ljanja na A330 u odnosu na avione koje lete po kraćim rutama. Ali veli- ka je razlika u pripremi samog leta i u procesu donošenja odluka. Raduje li vas uvođenje letova do Čikaga? Jeste li do sada imali priliku da posetite Vetroviti grad? – Radujem se ponovnom letenju za Čikago, mislim da će to biti popu- larna destinacija. Imao sam sreću da posetim prijatelje u tom gradu pre dve
parations and the decision-making process.” Are you looking forward to the introduction of fli- ghts to Chicago? Have you ever had a chance to visit the Windy City? “I’m looking forward to the return of flights to Chi- cago, I think it will be a popular destination. I had the good fortune to visit friends in that city two years ago and I got the impression that there’s always something going on in Chicago, regardless of what time of year you travel. It has a rich tourist offer and I would recom- mend that you visit Millennium Park, where I had the opportunity to check out the Cloud Gate (Bean) that was created using a huge number of individual stainle- ss steel plates. Really impressive.”
godine i utisak mi je da, bez obzira na to u koje vreme go- dine putujete u Čikago, uvek se nešto dešava. Ima boga- tu turističku ponudu i preporučio bih da posetite Milenijum park, u kom sam imao priliku da obiđem Cloud Gate (Be- an), koji je kreiran korišćenjem ogromnog broja pojedinač- nih ploča od nerđajućeg čelika. Zaista impresivno.
2022. Žiri se fokusirao na kompleksnost onlajn prodaje, obim digitalnih usluga, po- sećenost i intuitivnost u onlajn ponudi. Na- gradu je u ime Er Srbije primio viši me- nadžer za E-Commerce Srđan Prokić, ističući da je to potvrda uspešnosti sprove- denih aktivnosti na polju digitalizacije. – Jedna smo od retkih kompanija u Sr- biji koje imaju onlajn prodaju u čak 16 stra- nih valuta i uz to imamo i najveći onlajn pro-
Od svih destinacija na koje leti Er Srbija ja bih uvek izabrao Pariz Of all the destinations to which Ari Serbia flies, I would always choose Paris
met. Nastavićemo sa unapređivanjem digitalnih kanala i korisničkog iskustva. Nadamo se nekim novim priznanji- ma i van granica Srbije, jer je naša konkurencija prevas- hodno globalna – rekao je Prokić.
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