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City that you’ll fall in love with at first sight
hours of daylight than any ot- her European city-break desti- nation, ensuring you’ll be able to shoot wonderful photos until late into the evening. Carpet of stones There is so much to see on the streets of Portuguese cities: colourful doors and windows, amazing street art and beauti- ful tiles, but there is even mo- re to enjoy right beneath yo- ur feet! The typical Portuguese pavement patterns of black and white stones that adorn the pavements and public squ- ares all over Lisbon are called ‘calçada portuguesa’. The sen- sation is almost like walking constantly over a beautiful car- pet of stones adorned with flo- ral patterns and waves. This style first appeared in Portu - gal around the year 1500, but it wasn’t until the 19 th centu- ry that it was implemented in the way that we’re familiar wi- th today. Tiled façades Lisbon probably has more bu- ildings with tiled façades than any other city in the world. A vi- sit to the National Tile Museum in Lisbon will allow you to see examples of tiles dating from the 15 th century to the present day, as you acquaint yourself with this ancient tradition that is far beyond being merely de- corative and also has very pra- ctical purposes. It was discove- red centuries ago that adding tiles to building facades con- tributed to preserving the inte- rior warmth of homes, whilst also helping delay the spre- ad of flames in the case of a fire. Following the earthqua - ke that destroyed most of Li- sbon city centre in 1755, the city’s central core had to be re- built quickly. In the 19 th centu- ry, adding tiles proved to be le- ss expensive than using stone or other sturdy materials. The
Portugalci su nadaleko čuve - ni kao topli, druželjubivi i go - stoljubivi ljudi, ali priča o to - me vas nimalo ne približava onome što vas čeka u Lisabo - nu. Da, očekivaćete da vam bude prijatno, da se osetite možda kao kod kuće, ali ne - ćete biti spremni na nevero - vatan osećaj da ste u tom ča - robnom gradu već bili i da, na kraju, odatle ne treba ni da odete. Kako je šetati lisabon - skim brdima, četvrtima u koji - ma odzvanjaju zvuci fada dok na svakom ćošku razgovara - te sa ljudima koji vas tretiraju kao davno izgubljenog prijate - lja, nije lako opisati. Treba to doživeti. Zato vam predlaže - mo neke od važnih stvari ko - je treba videti u Lisabonu, ali ništa neće zameniti bescilj - no lutanje ovim jedinstvenim gradom. Savršena fotografija Lisabon je veoma star grad. Zapravo, drugi najstariji glav - ni grad u Evropi, posle Atine. Veliki zemljotres 1755. godi -
ne uništio je centar, koji je po - novo izgrađen u klasičnom stilu sa širokim bulevarima i mozaičkom kaldrmom. Sigur - no ćete poželeti da snimite sve popločane zgrade i šare - ne kvartove. Buduci da je naj - zapadniji glavni grad u Evropi, Lisabon uživa više sati dnev - nog svetla nego bilo koja dru - ga evropska destinacija, pa ćete divne fotografije moći da snimate do kasnih sati. Tepih od kamena Ima toliko toga da se vidi na ulicama portugalskih grado - va: šarena vrata i prozori, ne - verovatna ulična umetnost i prelepe pločice. Ali ima još to - ga za uživanje ispod vaših no - gu! Tipični portugalski trotoa - ri sa šarama od belog i crnog kamenja nazivaju se „calca - da portuguesa“ i krase tro - toare i javne trgove širom Li - sabona. To je gotovo kao da stalno hodate po prelepom te - pihu ukrašenom cvecem, ša - rama i talasima. U Portugalu su se ovakvi pločnici pojavili
The Portuguese are known far and wide as warm, sociable and hospitable people, but that story does little to prepare you for just what awaits you in Li- sbon. Yes, you will expect to find it pleasant, to perhaps feel at home, but you won’t be pre- pared for the incredible sense that you’ve already been to this magical city and that you ulti- mately shouldn’t leave. It’s dif- ficult to describe the experien - ce of walking through the hills of Lisbon, or neighbourhoods that resound with fado music as you chat on every corner wi- th strangers who treat you li- ke a long-lost friend. You have to experience that. That‘s why
we’re suggesting some “musts” for your visit to Lisbon, but no- thing can replace simply wan- dering around this unique city... Picture Perfect Lisbon is a very old city. It’s actually the second oldest ca- pital city in Europe, after At- hens. The old town centre was destroyed by the great earthqu- ake of 1755, after which it was rebuilt in a classical style, wi- th wide boulevards and mosa- ic cobblestones. You’ll want to capture all the tiled buil- dings and colourful, higgledy- piggledy neighbourhoods. As the westernmost capital city in Europe, Lisbon enjoys more
oko 1500. godine, ali su tek u 19. veku izvedeni na način ka - ko ih danas poznajemo. Pokriveno pločicama Lisabon je verovatno svet - ski grad koji ima najviše fasa - da prekrivenih pločicama. Ka - da posetite Nacionalni muzej pločica u Lisabonu, možete videti primerke pločica od 15. veka do danas i upoznati se sa ovom drevnom tradicijom, koja prevazilazi dekorativnu svrhu i ima veoma praktične aspekte upotrebe. Pre neko - liko vekova dodavanje ploči - ca na fasade doprinelo je oču - vanju toplote u kucama, ali je takođe pomoglo da se od - loži širenje plamena u sluča - ju požara. Nakon zemljotresa koji je uništio veci deo cen - tra Lisabona 1755. godine, grad je morao brzo da se ob - novi, a u 19. veku pločice su
Tipični portugalski trotoari sa šarama od belog i crnog kamenja krase trotoare i javne trgove širom Lisabona The typical pavement patterns of black and white stones adorn the pavements and public squares all over Lisbon
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