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Artificial intelligence in action I’m ChatGPT and I don’t have emotions
if Walt Disney is dead, he concise- ly and clearly confirmed that he is, without making reference to any possibility that he is frozen cryo- genically. Interestingly, he apologised sev- eral times for being slow, due to the incredible number of queries he re- ceives. And, indeed, GPT is on track to exceed 100 million users faster than both TikTok and Instagram. This record-breaker, with the fastest growing user base in the history of the digital age, has attracted atten- tion since its very launch. ChatGPT is simultaneously the best and the worst that civilisation currently has to offer. On the one hand, he marks the pinnacle of our techno- logical pluralism, while on the other, he represents an intellectual crutch for those wanting to go through life “on autopilot”. And while some en- joy the notion of artificial intelli- gence being at their fingertips – as we were promised it would be three decades ago by the TV series Beyond 2000, others wonder what it will ac- tually bring to the generations that will grow up weaned on the new paradigm of simplifying everything down to a single click. We still believe in the golden mean – we know that ChatGPT can generate media articles, composi- tions, jokes, poetry or code, and we know it can do it properly. We also know that for all of the aforemen- tioned – with the exception of code - authenticity and uniqueness are products of human creativity and personal attitude. In this sense, an interesting ex- periment was conducted by journal- ists of UK daily The Guardian, who asked this famous chatbot to write several motivational letters for the purpose of applying for a job – and subsequently consulted HR experts about how they viewed ChatGPT’s performance. And they all respond- ed in the same vein by saying some- thing like: “It’s all nice, but he lacks personality”. So, when it comes to personnel, the hard-working lit- tle robot didn’t make it to the next round of the job application pro- cess. But maybe next time…
Investirajte svoju štednju po odličnim kamatnim stopama i povoljnom kursu
How one piece of software has divided the public into fans of the technological revolution and those who view it all with a sense of distrust. It seems that no one’s indifferent... “I’m ChatGPT, a large
but also cautious when we asked him questions that we humans can’t even answer decisively. For instance, when asked if life after death exists, he stated amiably that some believe it does, while others don’t... “It is im- portant to note that my answer is based on religious, spiritual or phil- osophical beliefs and that, as artifi- cial intelligence, I have no ability to confirm or deny whether life after death exists”. Fair enough! He responded in a similar fash- ion when asked what the best film of all time is, with the explanation that this is a very subjective question and that opinions will vary greatly depending on personal taste, cultur- al background and era. He nonethe- less provided a list of 10 films that many believe to be the best, and he played it somewhat safe by ranking The Godfather number one. It is in- teresting that GPT is not a fan of conspiracy theories, so when asked
language model devel- oped by OpenAI . My main func- tion is generating human text as a response to queries I receive from users like you. I’m designed to an- swer questions, provide information and assist with various tasks. My knowledge cut-off date is in 2021, so I may not have the most up-to-date information. I am a software pro- gram, artificial intelligence, without a physical existence and without per- sonal feelings or consciousness…” This is how ChatGPT answered our question about who and what he is. He was very kind, thanking us and apologizing when he didn’t know something. He explained to us that he doesn’t have a nickname and that we can call him GPT for short, because, as AI, he doesn’t have per- sonal characteristics or even a name like humans. He was pretty decisive when it came to technical matters,
Moja glavna funkcija je da generišem ljudski tekst. Dizajniran sam da odgovaram na pitanja, pružam informacije i pomažem u rešavanju zadataka My main function to answer questions, provide information and assist with various tasks is generating human text. I’m designed
E konomska neizvesnost na global- nom tržištu prisutna je već du- ži vremenski period, te mnogi svo- je investicione planove odlažu ili stopiraju. Analitičari savetuju da je sada najmudrija investicija oročena štednja u bankama, u dinarima. Dinarska štednja i da- lje je isplativija od devizne, pokazuju podaci NBS, i taj vid štednje raste iz meseca u mesec od juna 2022. godine. Prinos od kamata na oročenje od 12 meseci može doneti znatno vi- še benefita od potencijalnih ulaganja u razli- čitim oblastima, a posebno treba uzeti u obzir nivo sigurnosti koje ova vrsta ulaganja pruža. Kao jedna od sistemski najvažnijih bana- ka na tržištu, UniCredit Bank prepoznaje pra- ve prilike za dobrobit svojih klijenata te je ta- ko formirana i specijalna ponuda za štednju u dinarima koja važi do 31.marta 2023. godi- ne. Naime, NKS od 5,2% na dinare i EKS od 5,27% , kijentima se prema odluci NBS omo- gućava štednja bez poreza na prihod od ka- pitala, a ukoliko vrše konverziju valute radi uplate dinara na štednju, isplata po povoljni- jem kursu u odnosu na redovan, što je prak- tično način da „dinari rade za klijenta“.
REPREZENTATIVNI PRIMER Ponuda važi za nove depozite od 1. 2. do 31. 3. 2023. godine. Reprezentativni pri- mer za oročenu štednju u dinarima: kla- sičan oročeni depozit u valuti RSD; iznos 1.000.000,00 RSD; NKS fiksna, na godiš- njem nivou: 5,20%; EKS 5.27% . Kama- ta se obračunava primenom proporcional- nog metoda; *Period oročenja: 12 meseci; ukupan iznos koji će korisnik primiti na- kon perioda oročenja 1.052.722,22 RSD, ukupan iznos neto kamate: 52.722,22 RSD. Nema kriterijuma za indeksiranje depo- zita. U slučaju prevremenog razoročenja, Banka ne obračunava i ne naplaćuje kama- tu za period od zaključenja ugovora do da- na razoročenja. Obračun rađen na dan 1. 2. 2023. godine. Banka učestvuje u sistemu obaveznog osiguranja depozita uspostav- ljenog u Republici Srbiji. Preduslov za oro- čenu štednju je otvoren Paket račun Šted- nje koji je besplatan. U slučaju konverzije radi deponovanja dinara nudimo primenu povoljnijeg kursa u odnosu na redovan za minimalan iznos od 10.000 EUR u dinar- skoj protivvrednosti.
Analitičari savetuju da je sada najmudrija investicija oročena štednja u bankama, u dinarima
UniCredit Bank prepoznaje potrebe svojih klijenata te je tako formirana i specijalna ponuda za štednju u dinarima koja važi do 31.marta
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