Elevate March 2023 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

Mart 2023.

March 2023

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

Mart nam donosi proleće i poče- tak letnje sezone u avio-industriji . To je do sada bio najaktivniji deo godine za avi- jaciju, ali se granica između zimske i letnje se- zone polako gubi. O tome svedoči i rezultat na- še kompanije ostvaren u prvom mesecu 2023. godine. Sa više od 219.000 prevezenih putnika zabeležili smo rekordan januar od kada poslu- jemo pod imenom Er Srbija. Deo uspeha dugu- jemo upravo vama. Hvala na poverenju. Nastav- ljamo sa unapređivanjem ponude i usluga kako bismo vam pružili još bolje veze i veću udobnost na svim našim letovima. Zimsku sezonu iskoristili smo za planiranje i spremni smo za dalju ekspanziju. U naredna tri meseca pokrenućemo više od 20 direktnih linija u Evropi, Aziji i Africi, a sredinom maja poleteće- mo i do Čikaga, naše nove destinacije u Severnoj Americi. Do Vetrovitog grada letećemo tri puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom, sredom i subotom. Bi- ćemo vam dobri domaćini na letovima. Ukoliko već planirate letovanje, verovatno ste čuli za direktne letove Er Srbije kojima ćete ovog leta moći da stignete do grčkih ostrva Krf, Krit i Rodos. To su idealna mesta za sve one ko- ji žele da napune baterije, ali ništa manje zani- mljiva putnicima koji vole aktivan odmor. Veliki broj kulturno-istorijskih znamenitosti nemogu- će je obići u samo nekoliko dana, pa će vam ve- rovatno biti potreban još neki dolazak. Mi će- mo i tada biti tu za vas. Slično je i sa Turskom. Redovnim letovima naše kompanije možete stići do Istanbula i Anka- re, kao i do Izmira. Nedaleko od tog lučkog gra- da na Mediteranu nalaze se drevni Pergamon i Efes, koji privlače turiste iz celog sveta. Poziva- mo vas i da sa nama poletite do Kaira, gde vas čekaju autentične egipatske znamenitosti. Pre- pustite se mirisu parfema, papirusa, začina, ri- be i nargila, spoju tradicionalnog i modernog, prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Da li je i vas, baš kao i mene, razmišljanje o letovanju odvelo u toplije krajeve? Dok leto zva- nično ne stigne ili dok ne odemo na neku sun- čanu destinaciju, tu su evropske metropole koje nikada ne spavaju. Dočekaće vas širom raširenih ruku. Otvorite naš sajt, kliknite na sekciju „de- stinacije“ i iz padajućeg menija izaberite neki od predivnih gradova do kojih letimo. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije

March brings us spring and the be- ginning of the airline industry’s sum- mer season . Traditionally the most active part of the year for aviation, the border between the winter and summer seasons has been slowly disappearing. This is evidenced by the results our company achieved in the first month of 2023. With more than 219,000 passengers carried, we had a record-breaking January since we started operating under the name of Air Ser- bia. We owe a portion of our success to you. Thank you for placing your trust in us. We will continue to improve our offer and services, in order to provide even bet- ter connections and greater comfort on all our flights. We utilised the winter season to plan and prepare for our further expansion. In the coming three months, we will launch more than 20 direct services in Europe, Asia and Africa, and in mid-May we will also start fly- ing to Chicago, our new North American destination. We will operate flights to the “Windy City” three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, and will be gracious hosts for you on our flights. If you’ve already started planning your summer holiday, you’ve likely already heard about Air Serbia’s direct flights that can take you to the Greek islands of Corfu, Crete and Rhodes this summer. They are ideal destinations for all those wishing to “recharge”, but they are no less interesting to those who love ac- tive breaks. The large number of cultural and histori- cal monuments on these islands are impossible to ful- ly explore in just a few days, so you’ll probably require another trip. We will be there for you for that too. Then there’s also Turkey. You can reach Istanbul and Ankara via our airline’s scheduled flights, but al- so Izmir. Near this Mediterranean port city are the ancient Pergamon and Ephesus, which attract tour- ists from all over the world. While we’re on the topic of historical locations, we also invite you to fly with us to Cairo, where authentic Egyptian landmarks await. Give in to the scent of perfume, papyrus, spices, fish and hookah, the combination of the traditional and the modern, the present and the future. Did just thinking about your summer break take you to warmer places in your mind, as it did for me? Until the summer is officially here, or until we visit a sunny destination, we always have the European me- tropolises that never sleep. They will welcome you with open arms. Visit our website, click the Destinations section and pick one of the wonderful cities that we fly to from the dropdown menu. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip, jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia

Jiri Marek Air Serbia CEO

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


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