Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
16 km od Sremske Mitrovice nalazi se manastir Šišatovac Šišatovac Monastery is located 16 kilometres from Sremska Mitrovica
Nekog će dirnuti činjenica da je bro- dić na daljinsko upravljanje putem ra- dio-veze u stvari ispunjenje dečač- kog sna ovog naučnika jer, dok je Tesla kao mali puštao čamce od pa- pira niz potoke, maštao je o tome da može da ih kontroliše bez dodira. Možda i najveće uzbuđenje izaziva Teslin transformator, iako je taj ure- đaj stvar prošlosti na koju se sadaš- njost nadovezuje. Naime, ovaj aparat proizvodi „munjice“, a našem naučni- ku je služio za istraživanje električnog osvetljenja, fosforescencije, proi- zvodnju rendgenskih zraka, bežičnog prenosa električnih i radio signala i energije na daljinu. Tesla je izmislio i specijalni tip fon- tane, kakva se nalazi na uglu Krun- ske i ulice Prote Mateje, gde je Muzej pozicioniran. Fontanu je Tesla smi- slio 1913. nakon osam godina istra- živanja.
that the boat that operates by remote control via a radio connection actual- ly represents the realising of this scien- tist’s boyhood dream. That’s because while Tesla launched paper boats down streams when he was a boy, he fanta- sised about being able to control them without touching them. The greatest source of excitement is perhaps Tesla’s transformer, although this device is an item from a bygone time that the pres- ent builds upon. Specifically, this de- vice produces “lightning bolts” and was used by our scientist to research electric lighting, phosphorescence, the produc- tion of X-rays, wireless transmissions of electricity, radio signals and remote en- ergy. Tesla also invented a special type of fountain, an example of which is lo- cated at the corner of Krunska and Pro- ta Mateja streets, alongside the Muse- um’s location. Tesla came up with the fountain in 1913, after eight years of re- search.
Manastir Šišatovac, Fruška gora
Posebno mesto na Fruškoj gori ima manastir Šišatovac koji su monasi iz manastira Žiča kao svoje utočište sa- gradili na zapadnim obroncima ove planine i posvetili ga rođenju Presve- te Bogorodice. Nalazi se 16 kilometa- ra od Sremske Mitrovce, star je oko 500 godina, a u njegovoj okolini veko- vima su se, između ostalih, naseljava- li i Ličani – među njima i rođaci Niko- le Tesle. Čuvenog srpskog naučnika sa ovim manastirom povezuje i izvor Svete Anastasije. Legenda kaže da je manastirska voda izlečila malog Te- slu od kolere. Kada je ustao iz bole- sničke postelje, ugledao je svetle- ću belu golubicu, koja ga je pratila do kraja života. Priča se i da je tada odlu- čio da umesto bogoslovije uči tehni- ku. Meštani čak pričaju da se upravo na ovom mestu Tesla zainteresovao za elektricitet. Kako se prepričava po kraju, za vreme velikog nevremena, kad su munje udarale oko manasti- ra i po selu, Tesla je pomazio mačku. Međutim, elektricitet je uradio svo- je, a on povezao udare munja sa elek- tricitetom.
Šišatovac Monastery, Fruška Gora A special place on Mount Fruška Gora is occupied by Šišatovac Monastery, which was built by the ref- ugee monks of Žiča Monastery as their sanctuary on the western slopes of this mountain and dedi- cated to the birth of the Holy Virgin Mary. Located 16 kilometres from Sremska Mitrovica, it is approxi- mately 500 years old and its immediate surround- ings have for centuries attracted settlers from the Lika region, including relatives of Nikola Tesla. The famous Serbian scientist is also connected to this monastery by the Saint Anastasia spring. Legend
has it that the monastery’s water cured the young Tesla of cholera. When he rose from his sick bed, he saw a glowing white dove, which would contin- ue to follow him for the rest of his life. It is said that it was then that he decided to study technology in- stead of theology. Locals even say that it was in this very place that Tesla first became interested in electricity. As is recounted in the area, during a ma- jor storm, when lightning struck the area around the monastery and village, Tesla was stroking a cat. However, electricity did its thing and he connected the lightning strike with electricity.
Muzej nauke i tehnike, Skenderbegova 51 Neki od Teslinih izuma prošetali su 2021. do Muzeja nauke i tehnike, gde se u stalnoj postavci nalaze dva mo- dela asinhronog (indukcionog) mo- tora, čiji je rad zasnovan na njegovom patentu. Ta prilika izmeštanja ticala se izložbe „Razvoj i primena rendgen- ske tehnologije kod Srba – od Tesle do Pupina“ autora Aleksandra Vl. Mar- kovića, Jelene Jovanović Simić i prof. dr Vladimira Petrovića. Povodom ove izložbe, autori su iz Muzeja Nikole Te- sle pozajmili i rendgenski snimak Tesli- ne lobanje, kao i noge sa cipelom, na kojoj se jasno očitavaju kopče i zakiv- ci. Do Muzeja nauke i tehnike prošeta- la je i prepiska između Tesle i Rendge- na, kao i telegram Teslinog saučešća povodom Rendgenove smrti 1923.
Museum of Science and Technology, 51 Skenderbegova Street
Some of Tesla’s inventions headed over to Belgrade’s Museum of Science and Tech- nology in 2021, where two models of asynchronous (induction) motors that operate on the basis of his patent are included in the permanent exhibition. Their relocation was connected to the exhibition ‘Development and Application of X-ray Technology Among Serbs - from Tesla to Pupin’, which was co-authored by Aleksandar Vl. Mark- ović, Jelena Jovanović Simić and Vladimir Petrović Ph.D. For the needs of this exhibi- tion, the authors also borrowed an X-ray of Tesla’s skull from Nikola Tesla Museum, as well as an X-ray image of his feet complete with the shoes, with the buckles and rivets clearly visible. Also making their way to the Museum of Science and Technology were the correspondence between Tesla and Wilhelm Röntgen, as well as the 1923 tele- gram of condolence sent by Tesla on the occasion of Röntgen’s death.
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