Destinacija / Destination
Hotel „Njujorker“, apartman 3327 Gde je Tesla živeo i umro
Katedrala Svetog Jovana Bogoslova Gde je održana Teslina sahrana
Niko ne zna tačno kako se to dogodilo i kako se moglo po- moci, ali jedno znamo zasigurno – način na koji se završio život Nikole Tesle bio je tragičan. Ovaj briljantni inovator, in- telektualac i vizionar, danas poznat kao „čovek koji je izmi- slio 20. vek“, umro je sam i siromašan, jer nikada nije uživao u plodovima svog rada ili širokom priznanju svog genija. Te- sla je umro sam u hotelu „Njujorker“, u apartmanu 3327 na 33. spratu. Danas u tom apartmanu stoji ploča sa Teslinim imenom, a druga ploča u njegovu čast nalazi se na eksterijeru hotela u 34. ulici. Inženjeri, naučnici, NLO entuzijasti i drugi oboža- vaoci dolaze ovde kao na hodočašće, da odaju počast na- učniku koji je promenio svet pre nego što je svet za to bio spreman. Tesla je u ovoj prostoriji proveo deset godina dru- žeći se sa golubovima, ali se povremeno sastajao i sa zva- ničnicima. Mladi kralj Petar Karađorđević ga je ovde pose- tio, ali je Tesla svake godine na svoj rođendan u apartman pozivao i novinare na godišnji intervju, u kojem bi prori- cao buducu tehnologiju i otkrivao detalje o svojim, naizgled uvek nadolazecim, novim izumima. Godine 1934. luksuzni hotel „Njujorker“ bio je tek četiri go- dine star. Imao je telefone u svakoj sobi i sopstveni po- gon za proizvodnju električne energije. Odličan je hotel i dan-danas, pa bi definitivno trebalo da bude stavka na listi za svakog Teslinog obožavatelja. U „Njujorkeru“ ocenjuju da je Tesla bio jedna od najneobičnijih osoba koja je ikada bo- ravila u hotelu. U hodniku na 33. spratu, sa predivnim po- gledom na Menhetn, nalaze se fotografije njegovih izuma, a osim sobe, uspomenu na Teslu čuva i mali muzej u do- njem delu hotela u kojem su izloženi i neki lični predmeti. No one knows exactly how it happened or how it could have been helped, but one thing we all know for sure is that the way Nikola Tesla’s life ended was tragic. This brilliant inno- vator, intellectual and visionary, who is now known affec- tionately as “the man who invented the 20 th century,” died alone and destitute, never to enjoy the fruits of his labour or the wide recognition his genius deserved. Tesla ended his life alone at the New Yorker Hotel, in Suite 3327, on the 33 rd floor. New Yorker Hotel, Suite 3327 Where Tesla lived and died Suite 3327 today bears a plaque with Tesla’s name, while a second plaque in his honour graces the hotel’s exterior on the 34 th Street side. Engineers, scientists, UFO enthusiasts and other admirers all make the pilgrimage here to pay hom- age to the scientist who changed the world before the world was ready. Tesla spent ten years in this room, in love with pi- geons and occasionally meeting with dignitaries. The young King Peter of the then Yugoslavia visited, but Tesla would al- so invite reporters to his room each year on his birthday for an annual interview, where he would prophecise on future technology and reveal details about his own new inventions that were seemingly always forthcoming. Tesla moved to this luxurious hotel in 1934, when the New Yorker was just four years old. The hotel had telephones in
Tesla je umro 7. januara 1943. godine, a njegova sahrana održana je 12. januara u katedrali Svetog Jovana Bogoslova. Prema pisanju „Njujork tajmsa“, njegovoj sahrani prisustvovalo je 2.000 ljudi. Doš- li su pronalazači, dobitnici Nobelove nagrade i visoki funkcioneri ju- goslovenske i njujorške vlade. Dva dana pre Tesline sahrane tadašnji gradonačelnik Fjorelo Lagvardija snimio je hvalospev velikom pro- nalazaču koji je emitovan putem radija. Crno-be-
la slika sa Tesline sahrane prikazuje njegov kovčeg prekriven i zasta- vama Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Jugoslavije, oda-
juci počast obema ze- mljama koje je nazivao domom. Njegov pe- peo čuva se u Tesli- nom muzeju u Beo- gradu.
Delmonico’s restoran Gde je Tesla voleo da jede Originalni lanac restorana „Delmonico“ bio je u vlasništvu istoimene porodice tokom 19. i ranog 20. veka. Prema sajtu „Tesla Universe“, Tesla je „neprekidno“ jeo svoje obroke u „Del- monicosu“ i provodio vreme u kaficu tokom večeri. Postojali su restorani „Delmonico“ ši- rom Menhetna, uključujuci originalnu i najpo- znatiju lokaciju u South Williams Street. Ostali poznati ljubitelji restorana bili su Dž. P. Mor- gan, Čarls Dikens i Teodor Ruzvelt. The original chain of Delmonico’s restaurants was owned by the family of the same name during the 19 th and early 20 th centuries. Ac- cording to the Tesla Universe website, Tesla “in- variably” dined at Delmonico’s and spent time at the café during the evenings. There were Delmonico restaurants across Manhattan, in- Delmonico’s restaurant Where Tesla used to dine cluding the original and most famous loca- tion at 2 South Williams Street. Other famous patrons of the restaurant include J.P. Morgan, Charles Dickens and Theodore Roosevelt.
sprat hotela „Njujorker“ čuva Teslin apartman broj 3327 The 33 rd floor of the New Yorker Hotel preserves Tesla’s suite number 3327 33.
Cathedral of St. John the Divine Where Tesla’s funeral was held
As noted, Tesla died on 7 th January 1943 and his funeral was held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on 12 th January. According to the New York Times, 2,000 people attended his funeral. The list of high-pro- file attendees included fellow inventors, Nobel Prize winners and high-ranking officials of the Yugoslav and New York governments. Two days prior to the funeral, then-Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia recorded a eu- logy for the great inventor, which was broadcast over New York City ra- dio. A black and white image from Tesla’s funeral shows his casket cov- ered with both the flags of the United States and Yugoslavia, a tribute to both of the countries he called home. His ashes are kept at the Tes- la Museum in Belgrade.
each room and its own power generation facility. The New Yorker remains a fine hotel to this day and should definite- ly be included on the bucket list of any Tesla fan. According to the New Yorker, Tesla was one of the most unusual people to ever stay at the hotel. In the hallway of the 33 rd floor, which leads to Tesla’s part of the New Yorker and provides a beau- tiful view over Manhattan, there are photos of his inventions. Apart from the rooms, Tesla is remembered thanks to a small museum located in the lower part of the hotel and exhibiting some of his personal items.
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