Nasleđe / Heritage
Srećan 96. rođendan / Happy 96 th birthday Er Srbija ponosno korača u susret stogodišnjici / Air Serbia striding proudly towards its centenary Ovog meseca slavimo 96 godina kompanije koja je prvobitno osnovana This month we celebrate 96 years of the company that was originally established on 17 th June 1927, under the name
Aeroput, koji je sa čuvenim pilotom i svojim jedinim direktorom Tadijom Sondermajerom na če- lu bio ponos Kraljevine Jugoslavije. JAT, avio-kompa- nija koja je predstavljala jedinstveni vazdušni most ka svim stranama sveta. Nova srpska krila – Er Srbija ko- ja danas leti do više od 80 destinacija širom sveta i je- dina je kompanija u regionu koja leti do Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Inspiracija još uvek dolazi od hrabrosti pionira do- maće avijacije, koji su te davne 1927. godine morali da se suoče sa brojnim teškoćama. Društvo za vazduš- 17. juna 1927. godine pod imenom „Aeroput“, što Er Srbiju čini osmom najstarijom avio-kompanijom na svetu koja još posluje
Aeroput, making Air Serbia the world’s eighth oldest airline that’s still operational
Aeroput, which was headed by famous aviator and its only director Tadija Sondermajer and was the pride of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia. JAT, the airline that once represented the only air bridge connecting all corners of the world. Air Serbia, the new Serbian wings, which today flies to more than 80 destinations around the world, and is the only company in the region that flies to the United States. Inspiration is still drawn from the courageous pioneers of domestic aviation, who had to overcome numerous dif- ficulties back in 1927. Air Transport Company AD Aeroput was the first Yugoslav joint-stock company for civil aviation,
Er Srbija ovog 23. juna obeležava sedam
godina od prvog leta za Njujork 2016. godine
ni saobraćaj AD Aeroput bilo je prvo jugoslovensko akcionarsko preduzeće za civilni vazdušni saobra- ćaj osnovano 17. Jun 1927, a formalno prestalo sa ra- dom 24. decembra 1948. godine. Bilo je među pr- vim civilnim avio-prevo- znicima, kao 10. kompani- ja u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Na svom vrhuncu „Aeroput“ je leteo na sve četiri stra- ne sveta, a sa Beogradom su u najbolje doba ove kompanije povezani goto- vo svi veći jugoslovenski gradovi, pa i neki manji.
which was founded on 17 th June, 1927 and formally ce- ased operations on 24 th De- cember, 1948. It was among the first civilian airlines, re- presenting only the 10th su- ch company in Europe and the 21 st worldwide. At its pe- ak, Aeroput flew to all four corners of the world. During the company’s heyday, all of Yugoslavia’s larger cities were connected to Belgra- de, as well as some smaller ones. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Aeroput had a modern fleet of 14 planes
Pred Drugi svetski rat „Aeroput“ je imao modernu flotu od 14 aviona (sa sedam lokida kao okosnicom) koju je opsluživalo desetak pilota i pet radio-telegrafi- sta. Prvi direktor „Aeroputa“ bio je Tadija Sonderma- jer, zahvaljujući kome je kompanija na samom teškom početku uspela da zaživi, a koji je obavio i prvi zvanič- ni let s kapetanom Striževskim na relaciji Beograd– Zagreb. Slavu je nastavio da širi JAT, koji je zabeležio zlat- no doba avijacije, ali za svojim sjajnim prethodnicima ne zaostaje ni Er Srbija, koja ove godine beleži rekor- dne rezultate u broju prevezenih putnika, stalno ši- ri svoju flotu i povećava broj destinacija, zbog čega nam je ceo svet kao na dlanu.
(with seven Lockheed aircraft forming the spine), operated by a dozen pilots and five radio-telegraphists. Aeroput’s ina- ugural and only director, as mentioned, was Tadija Sonder- mejer, thanks to whom the company managed to come to life immediately, despite a very difficult start, and who also piloted the first official flight, together with Captain Vladimir Striževski, between Belgrade and Zagreb. Fame continued to be spread by Jat, which recorded the golden age of aviation, but Air Serbia is not far behind its great predecessors. The modern company has record re- sults in the number of transported passengers this year, is constantly expanding its fleet and increasing the number of destinations, which is why it's as though the whole world is in the palm of your hand.
Air Serbia is marking the seventh anniversary of the first, 23 rd June, 2016, flight to New York
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