Malaga je rod- ni grad čuvenog slikara Pabla Pi- kasa, te postoje čak dva muzeja koja su mu po- svećena Málaga is the birthplace of fa- mous paint- er Pablo Picasso, and his home- town has dedi- cated as many as two museums to him
stili kao skladište materijala u toku iz- gradnje Alkazabe, u čijem se podnožju pozorište i nalazi. S vremenom je za- trpano, te je tako ostalo skriveno pu- nih pet vekova i ponovo pronađeno tek 1951. godine pri pripremanju terena za izgradnju bašte ispred današnjeg Do- ma kulture. Katedrala Malage, pozna- ta i kao Katedrala de la Enkarnasion, građena je u renesansnom stilu, s ba- roknom fasadom, tokom celog 17. i 18. veka, ali još uvek nije završena jer joj nedostaje južna kula. Po prvobitnom projektu planirana je izgradnja dva tor- nja, od kojih drugi nikad nije podignut, zbog čega je zaradila nadimak Manki- ta, u doslovnom prevodu „ jednoruka “ . Theatre & cathedral The Teatro Roman, a Roman amphithe- atre, is the oldest monument in Mála- ga. Dating back to the first century BC, it was in continuous use until being aban- doned in the 3 rd century AD. The Moors used it to store materials during the construction of the Alcazaba, which is located above the theatre. Gradual- ly buried and forgotten, it remained hid- den for a full five centuries and was only rediscovered in 1951, when the ground was being prepared for the construc- tion of new gardens in front of today’s House of Culture. Málaga Cathedral, al- so known as the Catedral de la Encar- nación de Málaga, was built in the Re- naissance style, though with a Baroque style facade, with construction works implemented throughout the 17 th and 18 th centuries. However, it remains un- finished to this day, as it lacks a south tower. The original design called for the construction of two towers, the sec- ond of which was never built, which is why it earned the nickname La Manqui- ta, meaning “The One-Armed Lady” in English. Park i fontane U blizini luke nalazi se Paseo del Par- ke, impresivan park i jedna od najve- ćih botaničkih riznica, ukrašena broj- nim skulpturama i fontanama. Istorijski deo grada čini splet pešačkih ulica s mnogobrojnim trgovima s neobičnim fontanama pored kojih se nalaze kafei, barovi, restorani, suvenirnice. Trgo- vački centar Malage se nalazi u ulici La- rios, odakle možete započeti istraživa- nje grada.
Malaga ima privilegiju od preko tri stotine sun- čanih dana u godini Málaga has the privi- leged advan- tage of over three hun- dred days of sunshine per year
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