Elevate June 2023 | Air Serbia

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the Dial of Destiny, starring Harri- son Ford, took place at the Cannes Film Festival, screening out-of-com- petition, while it will appear on the screens of Serbia’s cinemas from 29 th June. Together with the hardened team behind previous Indiana Jones films, led by George Lucas and Ste- ven Spielberg, who this time took on the role of executive producers, di- rector James Mangold shot the fifth and final instalment of this famous franchise about the adventures of the eccentric archaeologist, assembling an incredible cast. It’s worth recalling that the first film in the Indiana Jones series, Raiders of the Lost Ark, about Indy’s quest for the lost Ark of the Covenant and di- rected by Steven Spielberg, was re- leased in 1981 and won four Oscars. The second instalment, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, hit cine- ma screens three years later (1984), while the third film in the series, 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, about the search for the Holy Grail, appeared to round-off the series as a trilogy. That was until the 2008 release of a fourth instalment, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, in which he searches for a crystal skull left on Earth by aliens. The latest instalment is set in 1969, against the backdrop of the famous Space Race between the USA and the USSR, with the inevitable legacy of World War II.

bioskop Vraća nam se Indijana Džons

Svetska premijera filma reditelja Džejmsa Mangolda „Indijana Džons i artefakt sudbine“ („Indiana Jones and Dial of Destiny“) sa Harisonom Fordom održana je na Kanskom festi- valu van konkurencije, a na platnima domaćih bioskopa zaživeće 29. juna. Zajedno sa već uigranim timom kada je o filmovima o Indijani Džons reč, Džordžom Lukasom i Stivenom Spi- lbergom, koji su sada u ulozi izvršnih producenta, reditelj Džejms Mangold snimio je peti i poslednji nastavak ču- vene franšize o avanturama ekscen- tričnog arheologa, okupivši nevero- vatnu glumačku ekipu. Podsetimo, prvi film, „Otimači izgu- bljenog kovčega“, o Indijani koji traga za izgubljenim Zavetnim kovčegom, nastao je 1981. godine u režiji Stive- na Spilberga i osvojio četiri „Oska- ra“. Drugi deo, film „Ukleti hram“, na- stao je tri godine kasnije (1984), dok je treći nastavak „Poslednji krstaš- ki pohod“ iz 1989, u kom se traga za gralom iz kog je na tajnoj večeri pio Isus Hrist, delovao kao poslednji film u nizu, sve dok 2008. nije snimljen i četvrti nastavak „Kraljevstvo kristal- ne lobanje“ u kom se traga za loba-

njom koju su vanzemaljci ostavili na Zemlji. Radnja najnovijeg dela sme- štena je u 1969. godinu i prati ču- venu borbu svemirskih programa SAD-a i Sovjetskog Saveza, sa neiz- bežnom zaostavštinom Drugog svet- skog rata. cinema Indiana Jones returns The world premiere of the James Mangold directed Indiana Jones and

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