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FILMOVI Bašta Fest
Movies Bašta Fest
Deseto izdanje Bašta Festa, internacionalnog festivala kratkog igranog filma u Bajinoj Bašti, biće održano od 29. juna do 2. jula. Bašta Fest, koji slavi kratki film i mlade filmske autore, održava se na otvorenom i besplatan je za posetioce. Ova manifestacija usko je orijentisana na zajednički rad reditelja i glumaca, a fokus na kva- litetnim glumačkim interpretacijama ima veliki uticaj
The tenth edition of Bašta Fest, the international festival of short feature films in the town of Bajina Bašta, will this year be held from 29 th June to 2 nd July. Bašta Fest, which celebrates short films and young filmmakers, is this year commemorating its first major anniversary, with its 10 th edition. The festival takes place in an outdoor setting and is free to attend. This event is narrow- ly oriented towards the joint work of directors and actors, while its focus on high-quality acting interpretations has greatly influ- enced the positive positioning of Bašta Fest among internation- al festivals of short film.
na pozitivno pozicioniranje Bašta Festa me- đu internacionalnim festivalima kratkome- tražnog filma.
children's Biennale The Sky Unlocked
DEČJE BIJENALE „Otključano nebo“ Ovogodišnje, 10. jubilarno izdanje Bi- jenala umetničkog dečjeg izraza u Pančevu (BUDI), čija je tema „Otklju- čano nebo“, trajaće do 15. juna na vi- še lokacija u Pančevu sa preko 50 be- splatnih programa koji će se održavati svakog dana. Programi su podeljeni u
segmente – vizuelna umetnost, po- zorišni, muzički, književni, filmski, eko- loški i tribinski program. Ovogodišnja zemlja gost-domaćin Bijenala je Ne- mačka. Publika će, između ostalog, moći da pogleda izložbu posvećenu listu „Neven“ povodom 190. godišnji- ce rođenja Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, kao i izložbu strip-autorke Ane Petro- vić. Svake nedelje u BUDI eko-paviljo- nu u Narodnoj bašti biće otvorena po jedna prva samostalna dečja izložba.
This year’s jubilee 10 th edition of the In- ternational Biennale of Children’s Artis- tic Expression in Pančevo (BUDI), un- der the slogan “The Sky Unlocked”, runs until 15 th June at multiple loca- tions in Pančevo, with over 50 free pro- grammes taking place every day. The programmes are divided into seg- ments, with visual art, theatre, music, literature, film, ecology and panel pro- grammes. The guest-host country of this year’s Bi- ennale is Germany. Attendees will be able, among other things, to check out an exhibition dedicated to children’s magazine Neven, commemorating the 190 th anniversary of the birth of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, as well as an exhibition of comic strip author and illustrator Ana Petrović. Every week will see the open- ing of a new debut independent chil- dren’s exhibition at the BUDI eco pavil- ion in the city’s People’s Garden park.
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