Kultura / culture
juce figure, keramički tanjiri pre- tvoreni u arene za bikove... Zaista očaravajuća postavka koju ne tre- ba propustiti. Na kraju, dok smo ovde u Mala- gi, za Pikasa veoma važnom mestu, treba reći da je ceo život obožavao Španiju i poštovao svoje andalu- zijske korene. Može se to videti u bojama koje je koristio, borbama bikova, po večno prisutnom Medi- teranu. Pikaso je poslednji put po- setio Španiju neposredno pre Špan- skog građanskog rata, ali se, pošto se gnušao represivnog režima, ni- kada više nije vratio u domovinu. Verovatno bi bio očaran da danas pronađe svoj dom iz detinjstva, trg na kojem se igrao, crkvu u kojoj je kršten, umetničku akademiju u ko- joj je njegov otac predavao – sve otprilike onako kako ih je ostavio. Plus jedan muzej - onaj koji je to- liko želeo.
shouldn’t be missed.
And to conclude, while we find ourselves here in Málaga, this very important city for Picasso, it should be noted that he adored Spain throughout his life and always re- spected his Andalusian roots. That is evident in the colours that he used, in the bullfights, in the ever-pres- ent Mediterranean. Picasso visited Spain for the last time just prior to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, but he never again returned to his homeland because he was dis- gusted by the repressive regime. He would probably be fascinated today to find that his childhood home, the square where he played, the church where he was christened and the art academy where his father taught are all pretty much as he left them. And that they’ve been joined by a muse- um, the one he so desired.
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