U prvom kvartalu 2023. godine od ukupnog broja putnika koji su leteli sa beogradskog aerodroma čak 49 odsto putovalo je letovima Er Srbije
As much as 49% of all passengers who flew from Belgrade airport in Q1 2023 did so aboard Air Serbia flights
Er Srbija je u aprilu prvi put poletela do Tel Aviva, Ankare, Katanije, Izmira i Lisabona
Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će u letnjoj sezoni leteti do više od 80 destinacija širom sveta The Serbian flag carrier will be flying to more than 80 destinations worldwide this summer
Er Srbija u aprilu prevezla 282.509 putnika
Er Srbija je tokom aprila za- beležila povećanje od 84 odsto u odnosu na isti mesec 2022. godi- ne, odnosno porast od 53 odsto u odnosu na do sada rekordnu pret- pandemijsku 2019. godinu. Sa ae- rodroma u Beogradu, Nišu i Kraljevu Er Srbija je u aprilu realizovala 3.167 letova, što je za 66 odsto više nego prošle godine i 35 odsto više u od- nosu na 2019. godinu. – Tokom deset uzastopnih me- seci, odnosno od jula 2022. do apri-
la 2023. godine, naša kompanija beleži rekordne rezultate na meseč- nom nivou po broju prevezenih put- nika, kao i po broju realizovanih le- tova. S obzirom na to da je letnja sezona u avio-industriji u toku i da su brojne turističke destinacije sve ak- tivnije, verujemo da će rezultati bi- ti još bolji. U aprilu smo našu mrežu proširili sa čak pet novih destinacija i taj trend rasta nastavili smo i u maju i junu – rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije.
2023 in mid-March, and we tho- ught that more successes would come fast. Just two months later, we are breaking our records again. For the first time since we began operating under the name of Air Serbia, we had already handled one million passengers in May. We have reasons to be satisfied with our outstanding monthly results, ten consecutive record months in terms of the number of flights and passengers carried and a profita- ble first quarter of 2023. The re- sults achieved motivate us to be even better and more efficient in the coming period,” said Air Ser- bia CEO Jiri Marek. In addition to its Belgrade Ni- kola Tesla Airport hub, the com- pany also flies from Niš Constan- tine the Great Airport and Morava International Airport near Kraljevo. demo još bolji i efikasniji – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije. Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, kom- panija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aero- droma „Konstantin Veliki“ i među- narodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kraljeva.
Air Serbia launched its first flights to Tel Aviv, Ankara, Catania, İzmir and Lisbon this April
Air Serbia carried 282,509 passengers in April
During April, Air Serbia re- corded an increase of 84% compared to the same month of 2022, and an increase of 53% compared to the record-breaking pre-pandemic year of 2019. From the airports in Belgrade, Niš, and Kraljevo, Air Serbia operated 3,167 flights in April, which is 66% mo- re than last year and a 35% incre- ase compared to 2019. “During ten consecutive months, from Ju- ly 2022 to April 2023, our company has been achieving record results
on a monthly basis in terms of num- bers of passengers carried and fli- ghts operated. Considering that the aviation industry’s summer se- ason is already underway and that many tourist destinations are beco- ming more active, we believe that the results will be even better. We expanded our network in April with the addition of as many as five new destinations and we continued this growth trend in May and June,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General Ma- nager, Commercial and Strategy.
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