Ritam grada / Rhythm of the city
na čijoj se izgradnji u bloku 13 na Novom Beogradu intenzivno radi zahvaljujući viziji, životnom i pro- fesionalnom snu Ivana Tasovca. A sve je počelo između dva svetska rata u Beogradu nastoja- njem muzičara da obogate i una- prede umetnički život prestonice. Tako je orkestar 13. juna 1923. go- dine održao svoj prvi koncert pod zvaničnim imenom Beogradska fil- harmonija. Njen osnivač, umetnič- ki direktor i šef-dirigent bio je Ste- van Hristić (1885–1958), jedan od najznačajnijih srpskih kompozitora i dirigenata. Uprkos lošim uslovima rada i brojnim problemima, Filhar- monija je tokom ovog, tzv. Hristiće- vog perioda (1923–1936) ustanovi- la sistem pretplatničkih koncerata, sa gostovanjima domaćih i stranih umetnika, i započela rad na savla- đivanju klasičnog, kao i tada savre- menog repertoara. Inovativnim pristupom pri iz- boru ciklusa i pojedinačnih progra- ma, kao i sve kvalitetnijim interpre- tacijama, Beogradska filharmonija je poslednjih godina značajno pove- ćala broj pretplatnika i obogatila re- pertoar novim i do sada u Beogradu neizvedenim ostvarenjima. Rezultat ovih napora je činjenica da je Beo- gradska filharmonija prvi orkestar u regionu sa rasprodatim kartama nekoliko meseci unapred. Jedan od skorijih uspeha koji je Filharmonija zabeležila jeste najveći koncert klasične muzike na otvore- nom na Balkanu 25. juna 2017. go- dine, kom je prisustvovalo više od 25.000 ljudi. Koncert je predvodio šef-dirigent Gabrijel Felc, a kao spe- cijalni gost nastupio je čuveni Zu- bin Mehta. A kad smo kod maestra, on se vraća kao jedan od najvećih prijatelja Beogradske filharmonije, da 20. juna na „Kolarcu“ održi Gala koncert povodom stogodišnjice or- kestra i početka regionalne turne- je „Open Balkan“ koja se nastavlja u Tirani i Skoplju. Svi ljubitelji koncerata na otvo- renom, a pogotovo oni koji su ne- strpljivo čekali izvođenje čuvene Di- znijeve fantazije, imaće priliku da prisustvuju muzičkom pikniku Be- ogradske filharmonije 2. jula.
With an innovative approach to the selecting of concert cycles and in- dividual programmes, as well as the increasing quality of interpretations, the Belgrade Philharmonic has sig- nificantly increased its number of subscribers in recent years, but al- so enriched its repertoire with new works and works never previously performed in Belgrade, which are pre- sented to the Belgrade audience soon after their world premieres. These ef- forts have resulted in the Belgrade Philharmonic becoming the region’s first orchestra to have its concerts sold out several months in advance. Among the recent successes of the Belgrade Philharmonic is the larg- est ever open-air concert of classical music in the Balkans, which was held on 25 th June 2017 and attended by more than 25,000 people. That con- cert was led by chief conductor Ga- briel Feltz, with the famous Zubin Mehta also performing as a special guest. And while we’re on the topic of this maestro, who is also one of the greatest friends of the Belgrade Philharmonic, he is returning to hold a gala concert at Kolarac on 20 th June to commemorate the orchestra’s cen- tenary and the launch of the region- al Open Balkan tour, which will con- tinue in Tirana and Skopje. All lovers of open-air philhar- monic concerts, and especially those who’ve been eagerly awaiting the per- formance of Disney’s famous Fanta- sia, will have an opportunity to attend the biggest picnic of the music of the Belgrade Philharmonic on 2 nd July.
derway in New Belgrade’s Block 13, thanks to the vision, life’s work and professional dream of Ivan Tasovac. And it all started in Belgrade dur- ing the interwar period, with the mu- sicians who endeavoured to enrich and improve the artistic life of the capital. And so it was that on 13 th June, 1923, the orchestra held its first concert under the official name of the Belgrade Philharmonic. Its found- er, artistic director and chief conduc- tor was Stevan Hristić (1885-1958), one of Serbia’s most important com- posers and conductors. Despite poor working conditions and numerous problems, it was during the so-called Hristić period (1923-1936) that the Philharmonic established a system of subscription concerts, with guest performances by local and foreign artists, and launched work to mas- ter the classical repertoire, but also the then contemporary repertoire.
Beogradska filharmonija će obeležavati svoj jubilej tokom cele godine, od juna 2023. do juna 2024. The Belgrade Philharmonic will celebrate its centenary throughout the entire year, from June 2023 to June 2024
Putnike će u avionima Er Srbije od 13. juna dočekivati muzika sa koncerata Beogradske filharmonije From 13 th June, passengers on Air Serbia planes will be welcomed with music from the concerts of the Belgrade Philharmonic
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