L eto je obično vreme kad pozorišna sezo- na utihne i kada i galerije deluju usnulo, jer se valjda muze – zaštitnice umetno- sti – vraćaju na Olimp da zabavljaju bo- gove. Međutim, Beograd se ovom pravilu uporno opire, evo već 31 godinu, od kada se u srp- skoj prestonici organizuje letnji festival „Belef“, nu- deći publici najrazličitije sadržaje. Ovogodišnje izdanje tog letnjeg, produženog pra- znika odvijaće se u znaku teatra, sa čak sedam pre- mijera, šest premijernih gostovanja, a ukupno 20 predstava. Glavna scena biće Botanička bašta „Je- vremovac“, ali će svečanoj atmosferi doprineti i Tea- tar Vuk, Atelje 212, Narodno pozorište, Muzej grada Beograda, Kulturni centar Beograda... Uz kulturu će Beograd disati od 23. juna do 7. jula, sa mnoštvom prilika za susrete izvođača i posetilaca. „Belef“ će se i ovog puta posebno obratiti de- ci i mladima, kroz njima namenjene programe. Re- cepti za uspešnu interakciju već je oproban osmi- šljavanjem „Mladog Belefa“. Taj festivalski segment u ovom navratu nudi prikazivanje godišnjih ispita, ali i diplomskih i master radova studenata. Tako će pred širokom javnošću prvi put nastupati tek sazre- li glumci, reditelji, scenski muzičari... Za najmlađe će se pobrinuti dečja pozorišta „Pi- nokio“, „Duško Radović“ i druga. Uz maštovite pred- stave mališani će dobiti i stručna vođenja kroz bajko- viti ambijent „Jevremovca“ – istovremeno spomenika kulture i prirode. Uživaće se uz lepote prve i zasad jedine botaničke bašte u Srbiji. Duh novine odnosi se na seriju razgovora sa zna- čajnim gostima festivala, autorima, teoretičarima kulture i medija, umetnicima... Publika će moći da sve te mudre glave priupita o brojnim fenomenima današnjice, ali i da iznese sopstveno mišljenje. Ve- tar u leđa dobiće i mladi dramaturzi i dramski pisci, čije će drame biti po prvi put javno čitane. Taj va- žan posao obaviće njihove kolege glumci sa Fakul- teta dramskih umetnosti. Kao šlag na tortu biće upriličena Noć legata, uz šetnju kroz zaostavštine velikih srpskih pisaca, sli- kara i drugih važnih ličnosti. Ali Festival poslovič- no otkriva i nove zanimljive prostore i u scenu pre- tvara gradske trgove i ulice. Zbog njega se otvaraju usnule pozorišne sale i koncertne dvorane. „Belef“ dovodi i inostrane učesnike, pa ćete imati utisak da ste negde otputovali. Tu se meša avangardno i kla- sično, i nadovezuju razne grane umetnosti. Vizuel- no se prožima sa dramskim, balet zauzima počasno mesto, dok muzika dominira, kako i priliči jednoj takvoj proslavi. Sva ta dobra energija odgovorna je verovatno za to što se muze i leti zadržavaju u Beogradu. Šta će tamo na Olimpu kad su ovde okružene tolikom pa- žnjom publike? Uz to, „Jevremovac“ je svakako lepši i zeleniji od božanskih planinskih bespuća.
S ummer is usually a time when the theatre sea- son grinds to a halt, and the galleries also seem dormant, presumably because the muses – the protectors of the arts – return to Mount Olym- pus to entertain the gods. However, Belgrade persistently defies this rule, and has now done so for 31 years, which is how long the Belgrade summer festival, BELEF, has been organised in the Serbian capital, pro- viding the public with the most varied possible content. This year’s edition of Belgrade’s extended summer fest will unfold in the spirit of theatre, with as many as seven premiere performances, six debut guest appear- ances and a total of 20 plays. The main stage will be Je- vremovac Botanical Garden, while contributions to creat- ing a festive atmosphere will also be provided by Theatre Vuk, Atelje 212, the National Theatre, the Belgrade City Museum, the Cultural Centre of Belgrade etc. Belgrade will breathe alongside culture from 23 rd June to 7 th Ju- ly, with a multitude of opportunities for encounters be- tween performers and visitors. Belef will once again address children and young people in particular, through programmes intended for them. Recipes for successful interactions have already been tried and tested with the creation of the “Young Belef” segment of the festival, which this year offers the screening of annual exams, but also students’ graduate and masters works. As such, the general public will be able to see the first performances of newly matured ac- tors, directors, stage musicians and others. The spirit of novelty relates to a series of conversa- tions with important guests of the festival, including au- thors, culture and media theorists, artists etc. Audiences will be able to ask all these wise minds about numerous contemporary phenomena, but also to express their own opinions. A boost will also be provided to young drama- turgs and playwrights, whose plays will be read publicly for the first time. This important work will be done by their actor classmates from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. As the icing on the cake, the Night of Legacies will be organised, with a walk through the legacies of great Ser- bian writers, painters and other important figures. But the festival also proverbially discovers interesting new spaces and converts city squares and streets into stag- es, with inactive theatre auditoriums and concert halls also reopened for the needs of the festival. Belef also brings foreign participants, giving you the impression that you’ve travelled somewhere else. Here the avant-gar- de and the classical combine, and link up with various branches of the arts. Ballet, visually imbued with the dra- matic, takes pride of place, while music dominates, be- fitting such a celebration. All that positive energy is probably also the reason the muses stay in Belgrade for the summer. What would they do on Olympus when they are surrounded by so much public attention right here? Besides, Jevremovac is certainly more beautiful and greener than that inac- cessible mountain of the gods.
Kao šlag na tortu biće upriličena Noć legata, uz šetnju kroz zaostavštine velikih As the icing on the cake, the Night of Legacies will be organised, with a walk through the legacies of great Serbian writers and painters srpskih pisaca i slikara
Belgrade » Beograd | 67
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