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Vrli novi (zeleni) svet / Brave new (green) world Eko-revolucija na ruinama Notr Dama Eco-revolution on the ruins of Notre Dame Čuveni belgijski arhitekta Bas Smets specijalizovao se da od hiperurbanih, često ruiniranih prostora stvara održive oaze / Renowned Belgian landscape architect Bas Smets specialises in converting hyper-urban, often ruined spaces into sustainable oases

Nakon što je Notr Dam izgoreo u de- vastirajućem požaru 2019. godine, Grad Pa- riz, čija je agenda da bude najzeleniji grad u Evropi do 2030, odlučio je da pripadajući vrt i promenadu učine eko-frendli prostorom za posetioce i prolaznike. U pomoć su pozvali nagrađivanog i cenjenog ar- hitektu iz Belgije, Basa Smetsa, čiji je predlog da „Il de la Site“ preraste u održivi mikroklimat sa odu- ševljenjem usvojen. Smetsov projekat će od javnog prostora napraviti turistički epicenter, istovreme- no skrećući pažnju na klimatske promene, sa nada- sve dugoročno pozitivnim rezultatima. U okviru ambicioznog Notr Dam projekta Smets će udvostručiti broj sadnica i to od vrsta koje ne za- htevaju mnogo vode, te dobro podnose duže sušne periode. Jedna od inovacija je i izgradnja cisterne koja će sakupljati kišnicu za irigaciju, i u talasima zalivati okolinu, pa biti i svojevrsna atrakcija grada. – Mi moramo da ponovo razmišljamo o javnim prostorima u gradovima kao uporištima urbane eko- logije. Ako to može da se uradi u Parizu oko Notr Dama, može se ostvariti i bilo gde drugde – deci- dan je Smets.

After the devastating fire that gut- ted the famous Notre Dame in 2019, the City of Paris, which is striving to become Europe’s greenest city by 2030, considered how to make the garden and prom- enade an eco-friendly space for visitors and passers-by. They called for assistance from award-winning and highly-rated Belgian landscape architect Bas Smets, whose proposal to redevelop the island of Île de la Cité as a sustainable microclimate was adopted enthusiastically. Smets decided to turn this public space into an epicen- tre of tourism while simultaneously drawing attention to climate change, with long-term positive results above all. Under the scope of the ambitious Notre Dame pro- ject, Smets will double the number of trees using spe- cies that don’t require a lot of water and are thus able to tolerate longer dry periods. One of the innovations in- cludes the construction of a cistern that will collect rain- water for irrigation and water the surrounding area in waves, thus should also become an attraction in its own. “We must rethink public spaces in cities as strong- holds of urban ecology,” says Smets decisively. “If that can be done in Paris around Notre Dame, it can be done anywhere else.”

Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije / Photography: Bas Smets

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