Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia
Pećine Srbije pred- stavljaju nezaobilazne destinacije i za ljubite- lje arheologije i speleologije i za sve poštovaoce netaknute prirode. Neke su bile dom ljudima ne- olitskog doba, u drugima su sklo- nište pronašle brojne životinjske vrste kojih više nema, dok poje- dine u svojim dubinama skrivaju reke i vodopade... I dok arheolozi pećine pohode kako bi otkrili sa- me korene ljudske istorije, ljubi- telji prirode uživaće u nakitu koji krasi tavanice i zidove svake pe- ćine. Stalaktiti, stalagmiti, pećin- ski stubovi, draperije i okamenjeni vodopadi samo su neki od ukra- sa koje su kapljice vode formirale tokom milenijuma. Mi vam ovom prilikom predstavljamo tek delić tog nacionalnog blaga... Resavska pećina Resavska pećina je jedna od najimpresivnijih pećina u Srbiji i jedno od najznačajnijih prirod- nih blaga ovog područja. Nalazi se u istočnoj Srbiji, nedaleko od Despotovca. Ova pećina je pozna- ta po svojoj bogatoj geomorfološ- koj strukturi, speleološkim oblici- ma i izuzetno lepim stalaktitima i stalagmitima. Sa preko 2,8 kilometara istra- ženih hodnika jedna je od najdužih u Srbiji. Uglavnom je vertikalno raspoređena, a turistima je dos- tupna jedna trećina njenih hodni- ka. Kada zakoračite u ovaj prirodni podzemni svet, bićete očarani nje- govom lepotom i jedinstvenošću. Stopića pećina Skrivena u netaknutoj prirodi između zlatiborskih sela Rožan- stva i Trnave, na 19. kilometru od turističkog centra nalazi se Stopi- ća pećina. To blistavo podzemlje Zlatibora skriva stalaktite i sta- lagmite, podzemne reke, dvora- ne, uređene hodnike, ali i mito- ve i legende – uzbudljive priče iz davnih vremena. Poznata je po pećinskom vo- dopadu, a posebno po bigrenim ka-
The caves of Serbia are must-see destinations for lovers of both archaeology and speleology, but also for admir- ers of pristine nature. Some of them were homes to the people of the Neolithic Age, others provided shelter for numer- ous animal species that have since gone extinct, while there are some that hide rivers and waterfalls in their depths... And while archae- ologists explore caves in search of the very roots of human history, nature lovers will enjoy the natu- ral jewellery formations that adorn the ceilings and walls of every cave. Stalactites, stalagmites, cave col- umns, draperies and petrified wa- terfalls are just some of the spe- leothem decorations that have been formed over millennia by wa- ter droplets and mineral deposits. Here we present to you just a select fraction of this national treasure... Resava Cave Resava Cave is one of the most impressive caves in Serbia and one of the region’s most impor- tant natural treasures. Located in the vicinity of the town of Despo- tovac in eastern Serbia, this cave is known for its rich geomorpholog- ical structures, speleological forms and exceptionally beautiful stalac- tites and stalagmites. With over 2.8 kilometres of explored corridors, it is one of the longest caves in Serbia. Tourists are able to access a third of its cor- ridors, while it has a mostly verti- cally staggered structure. As soon as you enter this natural subterra- nean world, you will be enchanted by its beauty and uniqueness. Stopića Cave Hidden in an area of pristine nature between the Zlatibor vil- lages of Rožanstvo and Trnava, 19 kilometres from the Mount Zlati- bor tourist centre, is Stopića Cave. This resplendent Zlatibor cavern hides stalactites and stalagmites, underground rivers, chambers and
Pećine Srbije Caves of Serbia
Blaga skrivena u planinama Treasure hidden in the mountains Veličanstveni pećinski nakit i podzemni vodopadi samo su delić lepote koju srpske planine kriju u svojim nedrima / Majestic cave jewellery and subterranean waterfalls represent just a small part of all the beauty hidden deep in the hearts of Serbia’s mountains
Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: NAUTSOS
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