Destination Destinacija
Nove junske destinacije / New june destinations Vežite se, polećemo Buckle up, we’re taking off Ovog meseca počinju direktni letovi do fantastičnih gradova. Upoznajte Hanju, Krakov, Ohrid, Varnu, Rodos, Krf i Palermo / This month marks the launch of direct flights to fantastic cities. Get acquainted with Chania, Krakow, Ohrid, Varna, Rhodos, Corfu and Palermo HANJA Do drugog po veličini grada na Kritu, Hanje, Er Srbija leti od 12. juna tri puta nedeljno, i to ponedeljkom, četvrtkom i ne- deljom. Bogato kulturno nasleđe grada starog više od 5.000 godina ispunjeno je bojama, mirisima, ukusima i muzi- kom. Ljubitelji kulture nesumnjivo će uživati u brojnim ostacima minojske civilizacije. Posebna čar Hanje su plaže sa kristalnočistom vodom i finim belim peskom, pogodne za porodice sa decom. CHANIA Air Serbia is operating flights to Chania, Crete’s second largest city, starting on 12 th June, up to three times a week, on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. The rich cultural heritage of this city, which has a history dating back more than 5,000 years, is filled with colours, scents, tastes and music. Fans of culture will certainly enjoy the numerous remnants of the Minoan civilisation. Representing a special charm of Chania is its crystal-clear water and fine white sand, which is great for families with children.
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