RODOS Er Srbija od 8. juna leti na Rodos, i to ponedeljkom, sredom, četvrtkom i subotom. Sta- ri deo Rodosa krase palata Kastelo iz 14. veka, impozantni toranj sa satom, kao i Arheološki i Vizantijski muzej. Ništa manje zanimljivo nije ni u novom delu grada, u kojem se među broj- nim građevinama iz perioda italijanske vladavine posebno izdvajaju Narodno pozorište i Crkva Blagoveštenja. Nedaleko od sela Teologos nalazi se čuvena Dolina leptira. RHODOS Starting on 8 th June, Air Serbia is flying on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays to the famous Greek island of Rhodes. The old part of Rhodes is home to the 14 th century Kritinia Castle, an impressive clock tower, the Archaeological Museum, and the Byzantine Museum. The newer part of Rhodes town is no less interesting, and the par- ticular standout examples of the numerous buildings from the period of Italian rule are the National Theatre and the Church of the Annunciation. Near the village of Theologos is the famous Butterfly Valley.
KRF Do jednog od najšarmantnijih ostrva na Mediteranu, Krfa, od 9. juna mo- žete stići direktnim letom Er Srbije. Letovi se realizuju ponedeljkom i pet- kom. More, sunce i vetar isklesali su impresivnu obalu ovog ostrva sa zlatnim peščanim i snežnobelim šljunkovitim plažama. Kroz bogatu isto- riju na Krfu su nastajale brojne palate, tvrđave, crkve, muzeji, biblioteke, galerije, tradicionalne kuce, zeleni maslinjaci i živopisne luke. Stari grad i danas podseca na prošla vremena, a snažni evropski uticaji svuda su vidljivi i skladno koegzistiraju, dajući gradu posebnu boju. CORFU Starting from 9 th June, you can travel with Air Serbia directly to Corfu, one of the Mediterranean’s most charming islands, with flights operating on Mondays and Fridays. Here the sea, sun and wind have joined forces to carve out an impressive coast with golden sand beaches and snow-white shingle beaches. Throughout the rich history of Corfu, numerous palac- es, fortresses, churches, museums, libraries, galleries, traditional homes, green olive groves and lively harbours have been built. The old town is still reminiscent of bygone times, and strong European influences are visible everywhere, coexisting appropriately with the local culture and giving the city a unique hue.
PALERMO Do Palerma, administrativnog centra Sicilije, Er Srbija saobraća od 14. ju- na, svake srede i subote. Palermo je dekadentan i raskošan, drevan i savre- men, autentičan i očaravajući. Njegova istorija je bogata i fascinantna, i gde god da pogledate, pred vama su dokazi slavne prošlosti grada. Palermo kra- se brojne kulturne i turističke atrakcije, veliki broj crkava, spomenika, umet- ničkih dela. Ukoliko volite plaže sa finim peskom i kristalnočistim morem, po- setite Mondelo, jednu od najlepših plažu u Palermu. PALERMO As of 14 th June, Air Serbia is operating flights to Palermo, the regional capital of Sicily, every Wednesday and Saturday. Palermo is decadent and luxurious, ancient and modern, authentic and enchanting. Its history is rich and fasci- nating, and you will see evidence of the city’s glorious past everywhere you look. Palermo has numerous cultural and tourist attractions, including many churches, monuments and artworks. If you like beaches with fine sand and crystal-clear waters, be sure to visit Mondello Beach, which is one of Paler- mo’s most beautiful.
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