Ovaj drevni grad se nalazi u zapadnom delu Turske, daleko od gužve Istanbula, a njegove prirodne lepote, plaže i istoriju tek treba otkrivati
This ancient city is located in western Türkiye, far from the madding crowds of Istanbul, and you have yet to discover its stunning natural beauty, beaches and long history
U ntil recently, luxury and enjoyment were my first associations with Türkiye. And there was nothing unusual about that, as I’d visited the best resorts of Antalya, Alan- ya and Bodrum on numerous press tours and experienced being able to choose between 12 different types of pillows on the bed and to circle the buffet table until you collapse. And I don’t even need to mention the warm, crystal-clear sea and beaches where the sand remains cool even under the most swelter- ing of suns. I say that those were my first associations until recently, because last October I finally visited Istan- bul with friends. There’s no need for me to explain to all those who’ve ever visited this wonderful city how it turned my world into a verita- ble kaleidoscope of a million mul- ticoloured shards. It was in this city that has it all that I realised Türkiye isn’t just about unforgettable sum- mer breaks. Of course, there was no swim- ming and sunbathing in Istanbul, but that’s why Air Serbia has be- gun operating flights to Izmir, a city located in the homonymous prov- ince beside the Aegean Sea, where Asia ends and Europe is visible with the naked eye. It is here that old school charm meets modern lux- ury, where everything that’s most beautiful in this incredible country is located. But let’s embark on this journey together – a journey that I hope you’ll one day experience for yourself. First stop: Izmir itself.
D onedavno su moje prve asocijacije na Tursku bile luksuz i uživanje. Ništa neobično jer sam u brojnim novinarskim turama obilazila najbolje rizorte Antali- je, Alanje i Bodruma u kojima ste mogli da birate između 12 vrsta jastuka na krevetu i hodate oko švedskog stola dok ne padnete s nogu. O toplom, kristalnom mo- ru i plažama na kojima se pesak ni na najvrelijem suncu ne greje – da ne govorim. Kažem da je to bio moj naj- veći utisak donedavno, jer sam u oktobru prošle godine sa drugari- cama konačno otišla u Istanbul. Svima koji ste posetili taj čudesni grad ne moram da govorim kako mi se svet pretvorio u milion ša- renih komadića kao u nekom ka- leidoskopu. Na tom mestu koje ima sve shvatila sam da Turska nije samo nezaboravno letovanje. Naravno, u Istanbulu nije bi- lo kupanja i sunčanja, ali je zato Er Srbija počela da leti do Izmira, grada koji se nalazi u istoimenoj provinciji koju zapljuskuje Egej- sko more, tamo gde prestaje Azi- ja, a golim okom se vidi Evropa. E, na tom mestu koje spaja šarm stare škole sa savremenim luksu- zom nalazi se sve najlepše od ove neverovatne zemlje. Ali da krene- mo zajedno na to putovanje na koje ćete, nadam se, i sami otići. Prva stanica – sam Izmir. Grad i njegova okolina su savršen izbor ako tražite živu kulturu, istorijske znamenitosti, slikovite pejzaže i fantastične plaže/ This city and the surrounding area represent the perfect choice if you’re seeking a pulsating culture, historical sites, charming scenery and fantastic beaches
Biser egejske obale Pearl of the Aegean coast Jeste li već bili u Izmiru? Have you been to Izmir already?
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos, privatna arhiva
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