Elevate June 2023 | Air Serbia

izmir / izmir

ČESME I ALAČATI Posle samo osamdesetak kilometa- ra auto-putem stižem na najzapadni- ju tačku ove regije, na čarobnu plažu u mestu Česme, što na turskom zna- či „fontana“ ili, kako i mi u Srbiji kaže- mo – česma. Bila sam u aprilu, pa sam more pozdravila samo u plićaku, ali sam mogla da zamislim kako to izgle- da leti, na nepreglednom pesku i vodi koja se preliva poput okeana. Za razli- ku od mnogih letovališta u ovom regi- onu, Češme je zadržao svoje stanov- ništvo i lokalni ukus. Tu je veličanstveni zamak koji su izgradili Đenovljani, ali i polja anisa, susama i artičoka proša- ranih stablima smokava i maslina. Vetrenjače, od kojih su neke pretvo- rene u restorane, nalaze se na brdu iznad Alačatija, divnog i tipičnog egej- skog gradića koji leži južno od oba- le. Ovo živopisno mesto sa kamenim kućama, šarmantnim butik-hotelima i brojnim prodavnicama, istovreme- no je centar za jedrenje zbog vetra koji ovde nikada neće dozvoliti da vam bu- de prevruće. Grad je i raj za gurmane sa mnogim restoranima koji se mogu pohvaliti kombinacijom tradicionalne i moderne turske kuhinje, ušuška- nih na krivudavim kaldrmisanim ulica- ma Alačatija. Lokalno bilje slavi se sva- kog proleca na popularnom festivalu u ovom gradiću. Od meda od timijana do paste od cveca lavande, hleba od koprive i kolača od spanaca. Ja sam sa sobom ponela jednu malu biljku bibe- ra koja je preživela put i još uvek odo- leva promeni klime. Nadam se da će preživeti i dugo me podsećati na šar- mantni Alačati.


1 Čarobna plaža u

I was there in April, so I only paddled in the shallows, but I was able to im- agine what it must look like in the sum- mer, on an endless expanse of sand, with water that laps at the beach like an ocean. Unlike many of the resorts of this region, Çeşme has retained its tra- ditional population and local flavour. It has a magnificent castle that was built by the Genoese, but also fields of ani- seed, sesame and artichokes that are dotted with fig and olive trees. Ancient windmills, some of which have been converted into restaurants, adorn the hill above Alaçatı, which is a delightful and typical Aegean town lo- cated south of the coast. This vibrant place, with its stone houses, charming boutique hotels and numerous shops, is simultaneously also a centre of sail- ing thanks to the wind that will ensure you never feel too hot here. The town is also a paradise for foodies, with many restaurants nestled along its wind- ing cobbled streets that can boast of wonderful combinations of tradition- al and modern Turkish cuisine. Local herbs are also celebrated every spring at the popular Alaçatı herb festival. From thyme honey to lavender flower paste, nettle bread and spinach cake. I brought back a small pepper plant that survived the journey home and is still enduring despite the change in climate. I hope it will survive and long serve to remind me of the charming Alaçatı.

mestu Česme, što na turskom znači „fontana“ / The enchanting beach in the town of Çeşme, which means drinking fountain in Turkish 2 Vetrenjače, od kojih su neke pretvorene u restorane, nalaze se na brdu iznad Alačatija / Ancient windmills, some of which have been converted into restaurants, adorn the hill above Alaçatı 3 Neverovatno su dobro očuvani ostaci grada koji je car Avgust progasio prestonicom Rimskog carstva u Aziji / The remains of the city that Emperor Augustus declared the capital of the Roman Empire in Asia are unbelievably well- preserved

ÇEŞME & ALAÇATI After a drive of just 80 kilometres down the highway, I arrive at the re- gion’s westernmost point, the en- chanting beach in the town of Çeşme, which means drinking fountain in Turk- ish or, as we say in Serbian, česma.


92 | Turska » Turkey

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