Zlatni trougao Ljubitelji umetnosti imaju svoj poseban Bermudski trou- gao u Madridu, poznat kao Zlatni trougao. To je skup naj- reprezentativnijih muzeja – Prada, Tisena i Rejna Sofije. Jedan od najvažnijih u celoj Španiji, Prado, poznat je po to- me što ima najsveobuhvatniju kolekciju španske umetno- sti i jednu od najistaknutijih kolekcija evropske umetnosti između 12. i ranog 20. veka. U jednom od najvecih muzeja umetnosti na svetu nalaze se dela španskih velikana po- put Fransiska Goje i Dijega Velaskeza, između ostalih, a svake godine ga posecuju milioni ljubitelja umetnosti. Muzej Reina Sofija je svetski poznat muzej savremene umetnosti, dom impresivne kolekcije španske umetnosti iz 20. veka, uključujuci dela Pabla Pikasa, Salvadora Dalija i Žuana Miroa. Pikasova „Gernika“ je možda i najčuvenija slika u muzeju, a odaje poštovanje narodnoj patnji tokom bombardovanja Gernike u Španskom građanskom ratu. Muzej Tisen-Bornemisa čuva Van Ajka, Karavađa, Rem- branta, Monea, Degaa, Van Goga, Gogena... Ovo su sa- mo neka od velikih imena čija dela možete videti u Muze- ju. Prošetajte kroz kolekciju sastavljenu od skoro 1.000 slika, koje obuhvataju istoriju umetnosti od 13. pa sve do 20. veka. Bouvi te čeka Ima toliko razloga da posetite Madrid ovog juna, ali jedan se izdvaja. „Colegio Oficial de Arkuitectos de Madrid“ (COAM) domacin je svetske premijere izložbe „Bouvija je snimio Dafi“, a ova retrospektiva kultnih foto-sesija koje su spojile fotografa i pevača može se videti do 25. juna – više od 150 objekata iz Dafijeve arhive sa muzikom, video-snimcima, fotografija- ma, velikim formatima i video-intervjuima koji nikada nisu pri- kazani. To je putovanje kroz sedamdesete koje predstavlja rad legen- darnog britanskog fotografa Brajana Dafija, sa jednim od naj- uticajnijih i najtalentovanijih muzičara ikada. Tokom perioda koji se naziva Bouvijevim zlatnim godinama radili su zajedno na pet fotografskih sesija i omotima za tri albuma. U to vreme su razbili vizuelne i identitetske barijere i 1973. godine stvorili kulturnu ikonu sa omotom albuma „Aladdin Sane“. Bouvi je skakao od jednog lika do drugog, uvek voljan da pro- ba različite stvari. U međuvremenu Dafi je snimio fotografije koje ce svedočiti o svim tim transformacijama. Fotograf je po- smatrao Dejvida Bouvija koji je očigledno bio tamo da bi bio posmatran. On ga je baždario, upijao, proučavao, caskao sa njim, postao njegova senka, savetovao ga, tumačio i na svoj način štitio. Zahvaljujuci ovim slikama, svet se može još malo približiti jednoj legendi. Bowie awaits you There are so many reasons to visit Madrid this June, but one stands out. The Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) is hosting the world premiere of the exhibition Bow- ie Taken by Duffy. This retrospective of the iconic photo shoot sessions that brought together the photographer and sing- er can be seen until 25 th June. It includes more than 150 ob- jects from the Duffy Archive, with music, video clips, photos,
Golden triangle Art lovers have their particular Bermuda Triangle in Madrid, in the form of a set of the most representative museums known as the Golden Triangle and including the Museo del Prado, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Museo Reina Sofía. One of the most important institutions of its kind in all of Spain, Prado Museum is known for having the most comprehensive collection of Spanish art and one of the most outstanding col- lections of European Art created between the 12 th and the ear- ly 20 th century. One of the world’s greatest museums of art, it houses works by Spanish greats like Francisco Goya and Die- go Velazquez, among others, and is visited by millions each year. The Reina Sofía Museum is a world-renowned contem- porary art museum, home to an impressive collection of Span- ish art from the 20 th century, including works by Picasso, Dalí and Miró. Picasso’s Guernica is a famous painting held by this muse- um. It pays respect to the people’s suffering during the bombing of Guernica in the Spanish Civil War. Thyssen-Bornemisza Mu- seum keeps works by Van Eyck, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Mon- et, Degas, Van Gogh, Gauguin et al. Indeed, these are just a few of the great names whose works you can see at this museum. Wander through a collection comprising almost 1,000 paintings, spanning the history of art from the 13 th to the 20 th centuries.
large format prints and video interviews that have never been seen before. This is a journey through the 1970s, presenting legendary British photographer Brian Duffy’s work with one of the most influential and talented musicians ever. They worked togeth- er during the period referred to as Bowie’s Golden Years, in five photo shoot sessions and on three album covers. At the time, they smashed pre-existing visual and identity barriers and in 1973 created a cultural icon with the cover for the al- bum Aladdin Sane. Bowie leapt from one character to another, always willing to try different things. Meanwhile, Brian Duffy shot the photo- graphs that would bear witness to all these transformations. The photographer observed a David Bowie who was clearly there to be observed. He calibrated him, absorbed him, stud- ied him, chatted with him, became his shadow, advised him, interpreted him and, in his own way, protected him. Thanks to these images, the world can get a little closer to the legend.
Te 1973. go - dine stvori- li su kultur- nu ikonu sa omotom al- buma „Alad- din Sane“ In 1973 they created a cultural icon with the cov- er for the al- bum Aladdin Sane
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