Elevate August 2023 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia news Er Srbija vesti Studentska praksa u Er Srbiji / Student work practice at Air Serbia Tromesečna stručna obuka za devetoro studenata Three-month internship granted to nine students

Studenti su se priključili timovima Finansija, Planiranja reda letenja, IT-a, Marketinga, Karga i Zemaljskog opsluživanja Er Srbije Students joined Air Serbia’s Finance, Network Planning, IT, Marketing, Cargo

and Ground Operations teams

Osnovni cilj je da što više mladih već tokom studija stekne praktična znanja, veštine i relevantno radno iskustvo / The aim is for as many young people as possible to acquire practical knowledge, skills and relevant work experience during the period of their studies

Speaking on this occasion, Ser- bian Construction, Transport and In- frastructure Minister Goran Vesić addressed the attending students and representatives of the compa- nies that will conduct the internships. He pointed out that these students have been given an opportunity that they should utilise to the best of their ability, as they’re being given a chan- ce to learn all the things that they wo- uldn’t be able to learn at college. The students granted internships at Air Serbia are all in the final year of their undergraduate or master's stu- dies at the University of Belgrade’s fa- culties of economics, law, organisati- onal sciences, or transport and traffic engineering. The students joining Air Serbia’s Finance, Network Planning, IT, Marketing, Cargo and Ground Operations teams are Milica Mile- kić, Anđela Kostić, Milica Perović, Mi- na Mitić, Luka Nikolić, Kristina Mlade- nović, Filip Đurović, Sanja Tešević and Ivana Ivanović.

Na svečanom prijemu u Mini- starstvu građevinarstva, saobraća- ja i infrastrukture, održanom 10. ju- la, generalni direktor Er Srbije Jirži Marek potpisao je ugovor o trome- sečnoj stručnoj praksi za devetoro studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tim povodom prisutnim stu- dentima i predstavnicima kompa- nija u kojima će se praksa realizova- ti obratio se Goran Vesić, ministar građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infra- strukture. On je istakao da su stu- denti dobili priliku koju bi trebalo dobro da iskoriste, jer im se pruža mogućnost da nauče sve ono što nisu mogli tokom fakulteta. Studenti završne godine osnovnih i master studija koji po-

hađaju praksu u Er Srbiji dolaze sa Ekonomskog, Pravnog, FON-a i Sa- obraćajnog fakulteta. Milica Mi- lekić, Anđela Kostić, Milica Pero- vić, Mina Mitić, Luka Nikolić, Kristina Mladenović, Filip Đurović, Sanja Te- šević i Ivana Ivanović priključili su se timovima Finansija, Planiranja re- da letenja, IT-a, Marketinga, Karga i Zemaljskog opsluživanja Er Srbije. Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek si- gned a contract for a three-month professional internship for nine stu- dents of the University of Belgrade at a formal reception held on 10 th Ju- ly in the building of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infra- structure.

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