Radisson Hotel housed in the Old Mill Do you like travelling and trying something new? Belgrade’s Radisson Hotel is housed in an architecturally sophisticated edifice with a rich history that represents one of the top symbols of Belgrade, through the combining of a specific design and the legacy of the first steam mill dating back to the 19 th century
The Radisson Collec- tion Hotel Old Mill Bel- grade (OMB) is located in Belgrade’s urban core, in close proximity to the banks of the riv- er Sava. It was 120 years ago that the machinery of Serbia’s first ev- er steam mill began humming. The Old Mill, as it is known today by the majority of Belgraders, is one of the oldest in Europe, built at the heart of the city’s industrial zone. Today’s guest arrives to find a lux- urious, authentic hotel that’s deco- rated with recycled materials from the Old Mill that are still integrated into this building that has been pre- serving the memory of that bygone Belgrade for more than a century. Here Marko Isaković, OMB F&B director, who was responsi- ble for setting up this hotel’s food and beverage sector, reveals just how much attention has been de- voted to creating a new and unique experience for guests. The OMB Larder and Lounge restaurant & bar is part of the Radisson Col- lection Hotel, Old Mill Bel- grade. What forms the conceptual orientation of the bar and restaurant and what is unique about your offer for guests? “Our vision, which we have been nurturing since the hotel’s opening, is to provide guests with a link to tradition through a mod- ern method of preparing and pre- senting our products. You can al- so find that connection in the very name of our OMB Larder & Lounge,
with the word ‘larder’ representing a “pantry” or “storeroom”, which is certainly part of the tradition in the homes of our grandparents, while the word ‘lounge’ represents the impression of modern and urban hospitality that is certainly part of our offer. “We are proud of the products we have in our offer, and which are unique on this market. Here I’m re- ferring to Radissonovača, a rakija that we distilled on our square in front of the hotel, and the Gypsy soul beer that we brew in cooper- ation with Kabinet brewery, and which was created by our bartender Miloš Kostić. There are also OMB gin, OMB vodka, Radisson honey and Radisson wines, which rep- resent our trademark products, and we proudly present them to all guests, associates and clients.” How did you come upon the idea of creating such a wide selection of premi- um drinks for your guests? What inspired you? “The answer is very simple. We wanted to differ from the compe- tition, simply to be unique! Every hotel, or other type of hospitali- ty venue, has a very similar offer when it comes to products like raki- ja, beer, wine or gin. We wanted a product that’s characteristic in everything from the name to the actual taste; products that are ex- clusive to us and no one else. That’s why we selected, devised and nur- tured them carefully. The result is precisely the kind of authenticity we were striving for.”
„OMB Larder & Lounge“ restoran i bar su konceptualno okrenuti srpskoj tradicionalnoj kuhinji, koristeći moderne tehnike kuvanja sa lokalnim sastojcima The OMB Larder and Lounge restaurant & bar is conceptually oriented towards traditional Serbian cuisine, using modern preparation techniques with local ingredients
vina. Ovi proizvodi su naš zaštit- ni znak i sa ponosom ih predstav- ljamo svim gostima, saradnicima i klijentima. Kako ste došli na ideju da napravite toliko veliku selekciju premijum pića za vaše goste? Šta vam je bila inspiracija? – Odgovor je jako jednostavan. Želeli smo da se razlikujemo, jed- nostavno da budemo unikatni! U svakom hotelu ili u drugim tipo- vima ugostiteljskih objekata po- nuda je veoma slična, ako priča- mo o proizvodima poput rakije, piva, vina ili džina. Mi smo žele- li proizvod koji je karakterističan od naziva do samog ukusa. Proi- zvode koji samo mi imamo i niko drugi. Zato smo ih pažljivo bira- li, osmišljavali i negovali. Rezul- tat je upravo ta autentičnost ka kojoj smo težili.
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