Osnovna premisa nastavka „I tek tako...“ bila je da oživi priču o grupi prijateljica iz Njujorka koje danas žive svoj, logično, malo drugačiji život u pedesetim
The basic premise of the sequel And Just Like That was to bring to life the story of a group of female friends from New York who are today living their lives, logically, slightly differently, in their 50s
I tek tako... / And just like that… Moda se vratila u grad Fashion returned to the city
Uprkos tome što je prva sezona izazvala podeljene reakcije, čini se da je uzbuđenje oko drugog poglavlja post sage „Seks i grad“ bilo na nivou. Možda najviše zbog fabulozne garderobe... / Despite the first season having been met with mixed reactions, it seems that the excitement over the second “chapter” of the post-Sex and the City saga was at the right level. Perhaps that’s mostly because of the fabulous costumes...
M nogo toga se promenilo otkad smo na malom ekranu prvi put videli te četiri Njujorčanke. Četvrt veka ka- snije Keri je udovica, Samanta ne- stala u akciji, Miranda je prešla u LGBT zajednicu, a Šarlotina ideja o idealnoj porodici susreće se sa stvarnim svetom. Ipak, jedna stvar će uvek ostati ista: svaka od njih ima stila za izvoz i sa radošću pratimo šta nose u novim dogodovštinama. Iako to ne treba posebno da se objaš-
Much has changed since the first time we encoun- tered those four lady New Yorkers on the small screen. A quarter of a century on, Carrie is a widow, Samantha is “missing in action”, Miranda has joined the LGBT com- munity and Charlotte’s idea of the ideal family has met the real world. However, one thing will always remain the same: they all have style “worthy of export” and we are happy to follow what they’re wearing in new events. Although it’s not something requiring special ex- planation for those who are fans of every in- carnation of the Sex and the City franchise (double loyalty points if you also liked that truly absurd Sex and the City 2 film), the way the outfits of each of the heroines becomes a plot in their own right forms an integral part of what makes the story compelling. Lucki- ly for us, the original Sex and the City girls are just as intriguing and spruced up as they were when we first met them back in “more analogue times”. The duo behind this uncompromising costume design comprises Molly Rogers and Danny Santiago, who excelled in their role as protégés according to the wishes of the leg- endary Patricia Fields. Patricia was the styl- ist of the original series, making her the per- son who personally changed the way women dress around the world. Patricia will return to the fold of And Just Like That... briefly, as she dressed Kim Cattrall for her highly anticipat- ed and closely monitored cameo appearance. “We were lucky enough to talk somebody at HBO into letting us go to Paris for six days last sum- mer, and we tore through vintage places,” revealed Rog- ers in a recent interview. She and Santiago scoured all the iconic boutiques with archival haute couture piec- es – like Thanx God I’m a VIP, Chez Sarah and Égérie Paris — as well as visiting private dealers and the new (Re)Store department of the famous Galeries Lafayette, with its top-quality second-hand pieces. But the real fashion attraction is the reappearance of the Vivienne Westwood wedding gown in which Car-
njava fanovima franšize „Seks i grad“ u sva- koj inkarnaciji (dupli poeni za odanost ako gotivite i onaj zaista apsurdni film „Seks i grad 2“), neodvojivi deo onoga što čini pri- ču neodoljivom jeste kako odevne kombi- nacije svake junakinje postaju zaplet za se- be. Srećom po nas, originalne „Seks i grad“ devojke su podjednako intrigantne i skoc- kane kao kad smo ih upoznali u analogni- jim vremenima. Dvojac koji stoji iza ove maksimalističke garderobe čine Moli Rodžers i Deni Santja- go, koji su se u ulozi obreli po želji legendar- ne Patriše Filds. Patriša je kostimografkinja originalne verzije serije, samim tim osoba koja je svojeručno promenila način na ko- ji se žene širom sveta odevaju. Patriša će se nakratko vratiti u okrilje „I tek tako...“ jer je obukla Kim Katral za njeno visokoi- ščekivano i pomno propraćeno kameo po- javljivanje. – Imali smo sreće da ubedimo nekoga u
HBO da nam prošlog leta odobri put u Pariz na šest dana, kad smo opajali razne vintidž butike – pove- rila se Rodžers u nedavnom intervjuu. Ona i Santjago su obišli sve kultne lokacije sa ar- hivskim komadima visoke mode poput „Thanx God I’m a VIP“, „Chez Sarah“ i „Égérie Paris“ – uz posete privatnim prodavcima i novom odeljenju sa vrhun- skom sekend hend garderobom „(Re)Store“ u čuve- noj „Galeries Lafayette“. Ali prava modna atrakcija je ipak ponovno po-
Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs
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