javljivanje venčanice „Vivijen Vestvud“ u kojoj Keri doživljava jedan od najmučnijih trenutaka svog fik- tivnog života. Deni Santjago o ovome kaže: – U scenariju je bilo predviđeno da na kraju baš tu haljinu obuče za „Met Galu“, tako da smo zna- li da moramo da je nabavimo. Nismo znali da li još uvek postoji, niti u kakvom stanju ćemo je zateći. Zato je Moli pozvala tim kuće „Vivijen Vestvud“ – kaže Deni Santjago. Rodžers na to dodaje: – Nisam ih samo kontaktirala već sam ih buk- valno proganjala pošto su uporno odlagali. Mislim da je to bilo zato što joj je trebala izvesna popravka. Međutim, kad je haljina stigla na set, ispostavilo se ne samo da je u odličnom stanju već i da je Sara Džesika Parker ušla u nju bez ikakve muke. Tim ko- stimografa se u prvi mah zanimao idejom da nešto promene na originalnom kroju, tako da ne izgleda potpuno identično kako je pamtimo: da odseku do- nji deo i učine je vrlo kratkom, te da joj dodaju vi- soke čizme prekrivene cirkonima. No od toga nije bilo ništa jer je venčanica (sa sve ukrasom u obliku ptice na glavi) izgledala još magičnije, relevantnije i spektakularnije danas. – Kada je izašao film, saudijska princeza je htela da taj fascinator kupi za 250.000 dolara, ali je vla- snica radnje „New York Vintage“ odbila i zadržala ga kod sebe sve do danas – pojašnjavaju kostimografi. Još jedan modni lajtmotiv ptice koji je zapanjio publiku je torba u obliku goluba koju je dizajnirao lucidni britanski kreator „JW Anderson“. Keri će je nositi u drugoj epizodi druge sezone, i ludo se za- bavljati dok to čini. A za ljubitelje malo konvencio- nalnijih tašni tu je i čitav novi zaplet oko famozne „Ermes“ birkinke, koja je sama po sebi simbol taš- ne sa VIP reputacijom. Moda je uvek bila sama po sebi glavni lik u se- riji i imala je svoje mesto za stolom koji su devoj- ke tradicionalno zauzimale u naj kul lokalima Ve- like jabuke.
rie experienced one of the most traumatic moments of her (fictional) life. Speaking about this, Danny Santia- go explains: “It was written in the script that that was what she was going to end up wearing [to the Met Ga- la], so we knew that we had to get it. We didn’t know if it still existed, and we didn’t know what the condition of it was going to be. So, Molly reached out to Vivienne Westwood, because it’s been quite a few years.” Rogers adds to this: “I didn’t reach out – I had to stalk them, because they kept stalling. I think they were having to, you know, repair it.” However, when the dress showed up on set, it turned out that not only was it in excellent condition, but Sarah Jessica Parker fit right into it without any trouble. The costume design team was initially inter- ested in the idea of transforming the original cut, so it wouldn’t look completely identical to the way we re- member it: to cut off the bottom part and make it re- ally short, and to add thigh-high boots covered with stones. But nothing came of that because the wedding gown (with all the additional decoration in the form of a bird headpiece) looked even more relevant and spec- tacular today. “When the movie came out, there was a Saudi princess who wanted to buy it for $250,000, but the owner of the New York Vintage store said no and has kept it in her possession to this day,” explain the costume designers. Another bird-themed fashion element that stunned audiences is a purse shaped to resemble a pigeon that was designed by brilliant British fashion designer JW Anderson. Carrie will carry it in the second episode of season two, and will have a lot of fun doing so. And for lovers of slightly more conventional handbags, there’s an entirely new plotline around the famous Hermès Bir- kin bag, which is in and of itself the symbol of a hand- bag with a VIP reputation. Fashion itself has always been one of the main char- acters of this show, and has always had its own seat at the table that the girls traditionally occupy at the Big Apple’s coolest venues.
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