MOJ PARIZ SARA NOVAK, GLUMICA MY PARIS SARA NOVAK, ACTRESS Živeti u Parizu je avantura i paradoks Living in Paris is an adventure and a paradox Prošlost i sadašnjost. Multikultura. Svetlost. Jedinstvena arhitektura. Nezamenjivi kroasan. Fensi mesta. Buka. Štrajk. Najlepši grad na svetu... / The past and the present. Multiculturalism. Light. Unique architecture. The inimitable croissant. Posh places. Noise. Strikes. The most beautiful city in the world...
Ko je Sara? Glumica Sara Novak rođena je u Francuskoj i živi u Parizu. Tečno govori pet jezika, studira- la je u Parizu engleski i španski, završila glumu u „Paris Meisner Studiju“, vozi skejt i odnedav- no se bavi koučingom. Drži radionice u kojima uči ljude da razumeju emocije i samim tim žive lepši život. Upoznajte je na @sarnovak. WHO IS SARA? Actress Sara Novak was born in France and lives in Paris. She fluently speaks five languages and studied English and Spanish in Paris, but also acting in Paris Meisner Studio. She rides a skate- board and recently began coaching. She holds workshops at which she teaches people to un- derstand emotions and thereby live a better life. Meet her @sarnovak
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