PRE TAČNO 100 GODINA, DALEKE 1923, doživot- ni počasni predsednik „Aerokluba“ postao je knez Pavle Karađorđević. U Uzun Mirkovoj je napravljena i velelepna zgrada koja je postala dom svih vazduho- plovaca koji se tamo nalaze i danas. A sve je počelo kada su se veterani sa Solunskog fronta okupili 1921. godine „Kod belog orla“. Dogo- vor je napravljen – osniva se Srpski aero-klub, a nje- gov počasni predsednik biće dr Arčibald Rajs. Na- redne godine radu kluba, koji se tada zove „Aeroklub Kraljevine SHS“, priključio se Tadija Sondermajer, ko- ji je imenovan za potpredsednika. Klub je krajem te 1922. godine primljen i u Međunarodnu vazduho- plovnu organizaciju – FAI, što mu je dalo i legitimitet van granica Kraljevine. Efekti ove inicijative u nared- nim godinama doveli su do osnovanja prvog doma- ćeg preduzeća za vazdušni prevoz putnika i robe – „Aeroputa“. Radu kluba doprineli su i mnogi viđeniji ljudi toga doba, intelektualci, političari, vladari. Me- đu njima i Miloš Crnjanski, koji je dugo bio urednik klupskog lista, a na kraju i knez Pavle, koji je progla- šen za doživotnog počasnog predsednika.
A HUNDRED YEARS AGO, IN 1923, Prince Pavle Kara- đorđević became the honorary life president of Aeroklub. A magnificent building was also constructed in Uzun Mir- kova Street and became the home of all pilots, and is sti- ll there today. But it all started with a group of pilots, veterans of the Salonika front who gathered in 1921 at the White Eagle. An agreement was made – they would establish the “Ser- bian Aero Club” and its honorary chairman would be Dr Ar- chibald Reiss. The following year, the Club, which was then called the “Aero Club of the Kingdom of SCS”, was joi- ned by Tadija Sondermajer, who was appointed vice presi- dent. In late 1922 the club was also accepted in the inter- national aviation organisation-FAI, which gave it legitimacy beyond the kingdom’s borders. The effects of these initiati- ves led in the following years to the creation of the first do- mestic company for the transport of passengers and go- ods by air – Aeroput. Many prominent people of that time, including intellectuals, politicians and leaders, contributed to the work of the club. Among them was Miloš Crnjanski, who served as the editor of the club’s own publication for a long time, and ultimately also Prince Pavle Karađorđević, who became the club’s honorary life president.
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