davnica i butik-hotela, uvek uz obalu. Stići ćete do Ja - li Džamije, koja podseća da su ovde bile i Osmanlije, a ne samo Mlečani. Pa Venecijan - skom lukom nastavite dalje ka starom morskom zidu po - dignutom da zaštiti luku od severnih talasa. Ako bude - te imali sreće, dok sunce to - ne u more, na tom zidu ćete možda videti mladiće i devoj - ke u izvornim nošnjama kako igraju tradicionalne kritske plesove. Festivali su ovde svakodnevna stvar, uhvatiće - te bar neki zabavni program. A zatim prođite pored basti - ona Svetog Nikole, koji je ne - kada čuvao luku od gusara, sve do egipatskog svetioni - ka, koji je simbol ovog živopi - snog grada. Na kraju možda će vam biti najteže da izabe - rete restoran ili kafić (ima ih baš mnogo) u kojem ćete se opustiti i gledati kako svet prolazi pod vrelim kritskim suncem. Gde Venizelos čuva grad Naravno da ćete se stal - no vraćati Starom gradu jer je tamo najbolja zaba - va, ali nemojte da vas mr - zi da se popnete na vrh brda u Akrotiriju, odakle se pruža nezaboravan panoramski po - gled na celu Hanju i beskraj -
unique cultural and architectu- ral mosaic in the middle of the Mediterranean. Strolling the labyrinthine streets of the Old Town, with its be- autiful Venetian villas, foun- tains and churches, will lead you through the well-preser- ved historical monuments of this city that used to be the ca- pital of Crete (until 1972). Allow the streets themselves to guide you, enjoy the colourful handi- craft items and souvenirs, chat with traders and don’t worry about getting lost. That’s be- cause heading downhill will de- finitely result in you reaching the sea and the Venetian har- bour, which represents the ci- ty’s main promenade, where everything bustles with diffe- rent aromas and tastes, vario- us languages and endlessly ha- ppy tourists. The best place to start your walking tour is the impressive Firkas Fortress, the purpose of which has changed many times throughout its long history and which today houses the Maritime Museum of Crete. Stroll eastwards, passing pictu- resque café-bars, restaurants, shops and boutique hotels all embracing the seafront. You will reach the Yali Mosque, whi- ch serves as a reminder that the Ottomans were also he- re, and not just the Venetians.
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