ast, which you can traverse un - til you find a spot under the sun that’s just to your liking. A must if you are in Agia Marina is the seafront Akti Restaurant, whe - re you will encounter a magical atmosphere and eat the best Greek specialities, served in lar - ge portions and at reasonable prices! Monastic wine and olives Apart from everything we’re already mentioned, Chania is al - so famous for its fragrant, extra virgin olive oil, wines, oranges and avocados. As you head to the beaches, enjoy the fields that you pass or pay a visit to the beautiful Agia Triada Mona - stery, which was built in the By - zantine style in the 17 th century and is surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. Nearby is al - so the world’s oldest olive tree, which is said to be three to five thousand years old.. Breathe slowly in Rethymno And last, but by no means le - ast, explore one of Greece’s best-preserved medieval towns and experience your own fai - rytale romance in Rethymno. This small town combines the charm and history of the old town with a long sand beach. Despite being Crete’s third lar - gest city, Rethymno never pre - tends to be like Chania or He - raklion. It instead retains its own provincial air. This is a pla - ce where life moves slowly, cre - ating an almost romantic bac - kdrop to everyday life. You will enjoy timeless attractions and varied landscapes, architecture, museums, archaeological sites, endless sand beaches and pi - cturesque surrounding villages. Rethymno is the only settle - ment on Crete to have been bu - ilt on a cape, or rather “on the boundary between calmness and fierceness”, as local wri - ter Pantelis Prevelakis descri - bed this place. Check it out for yourself...
te ili ih obiđite kod prelepog manastira Aja Trijada, podi - gnutog u 17. veku u vizantij - skom stilu, okruženom vino - gradima i maslinjacima. U blizini je i najstarija maslina na svetu – kažu da ima od tri do pet hiljada godina. U Retimnu se diše sporije I na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno – istražite jedan od najbolje očuvanih srednjo - vekovnih gradova u Grčkoj i doživite svoju bajkovitu ro - mansu u Retimnu. Ovaj gra - dić kombinuje šarm i istoriju Starog grada sa dugačkom peščanom plažom. Iako je treći po veličini na Kritu, Re - timno se nikada ne pretva - ra da je kao Hanja ili Irakli - on. On čuva svoj provincijski vazduh – to je mesto koje se polako kreće stvarajući go - tovo ljubavnu pozadinu sva - kodnevnog života. Uživaćete u bezvremenim atrakcijama i raznolikim pejzažima, arhi - tekturi, muzejima, arheološ - kim nalazištima, beskrajnim peščanim plažama i živopi - snim obližnjim selima. Reti - mno je jedini grad na Kritu koji je izgrađen na rtu, tač - nije, „na granici između smi - renosti i žestine“, kako to mesto opisuje lokalni pisac Pantelis Prevelakis. Uverite se sami...
the film also brought glory to this beach with mountains pro - viding the backdrop, which you should definitely visit even if you’re too young to have ever even heard of this classic film. And finally, there are options that you don’t have to travel far from Chania to experience. Clo - se to the city is a landscaped sand beach that passes throu - gh places like Agia Marina and the village of Platanias, and extends further along the co -
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