Od 6. do 9. jula postanite deo EXIT univerzuma, mesta satkanog od emocija svih koji su barem jednom kročili na Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu, gde su sva muzička čuda moguća
Become part of the EXIT Universe from 6 th to 9 th July, at this place that’s woven from the emotions of everyone who has ever set foot on Petrovaradin Fortress, where all miracles of music are possible
One of the hottest tour tickets of 2023 is for Petrovaradin Fortress, and the line- up’s headliners, apart from this beloved electropunk band, include Skrillex, Keinemusik, Viagra Boys and many more... A fter a break of several years, this cult British band and all-time most influential electro- punk crew returns to headline the leading European festivals this summer, and among them will be Serbia’s own EXIT. “at is our favourite festival. We have a special place in their hearts and we adore the people of Serbia,” once said Liam Howl- ett, the leader, co-founder, sole songwriter and musical driving force behind e Prodigy. This iconic band’s indestructible bond with the Serbi - an audience was forged back in 1995 at Belgrade’s Pionir Hall, where the song Breathe had its premiere performance and the now legendary Firestarter was performed for only the second time ever. These champions of the voice and rhythm of the rejected encountered a lost generation of youngsters and offered them new energy, strength and a feeling of freedom through music. That bond has only deepened over the years, thanks to the EXIT festival, and that energy abides almost three decades on, through old and new generations, as demon - strated by the local audience through record-breaking at - tendance figures for the Main Stage every time they’ve been at EXIT. “Many thought, including the band itself, that The
Jedna od najtraženijih turneja 2023. godine stiže na Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu, a uz omiljeni elektro-pank bend, hedlajneri su i „Skrillex“, „Keinemusik“, „Viagra Boys“... K ultni britanski sastav i najuticajniji elektro-pank bend svih vremena vra- ća se nakon višegodišnje pauze kao hedlajner vodećih evropskih festivala, a među njima će se naći i EXIT. „To je naš omiljeni festival. Imamo posebno mesto u sr- cima ljudi u Srbiji i obožavamo ih“, izjavio je svoje- vremeno Lijam Haulet, idejni tvorac, osnivač, au- tor svih pesama, muzička i pokretačka sila benda „e Prodigy“. Neraskidiva veza kultnog benda sa ovdašnjom publikom započela je davne 1995. godine u beo- gradskoj Hali „Pionir“ u kojoj je tada premijerno izvedena pesma „Breathe“, a drugi put ikad odsvi- ran „Firestarter“. Nosioci glasa i ritma odbačenih susreli su se sa izgubljenom generacijom mladih i pružili im novu energiju, snagu, osećaj slobode kroz muziku. Ta veza je kroz godine produbljena na EXIT festi- valu, a energija nastavlja da živi gotovo tri decenije kasnije, kroz stare i nove generacije, što je domaća publika pokazala obaranjem rekorda posećenosti Glavne bine svakim njihovim dolaskom na EXIT. „Mnogi su mislili, uključujući i sam bend, da će
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