Elevate July 2023 | Air Serbia



Svih šest ATR letelica koje su dosad stigle u flotu imaju konfiguraciju od 70 do 72 sedišta All six ATR aircraft that have so far joined the fleet have a configuration of 70 to 72 seats

ŠESTI ATR 72600 ER SRBIJE, regi- stracionih oznaka YU-ASB, doleteo je 23. juna u Beograd. Dolazak ovog aviona predstavlja značajno poja- čanje regionalne flote za tekuću let- nju sezonu. Podsetimo, prvi avion ti- pa ATR 72-600, YU-ALY, sleteo je na beogradski aerodrom 27. januara prošle godine. Od tada do danas re- gionalna flota Er Srbije u potpunosti je zamenjena letelicama ovog tipa i potpuno podmlađena. Svih šest ATR letelica koje su do- sad stigle u flotu imaju konfiguraci- ju od 70 do 72 sedišta. Avioni ima- ju raspon krila od 27,05 m. Najveća brzina koju mogu dostići tokom kr- starenja iznosi oko 500 km/h, dok je maksimalni dolet sa punim kapacite- tom oko 1.500 km. Inače, ove godine će biti 35 go- dina od prvog leta ATR 72. Iako je prošlo toliko vremena otkako je ATR 72 poleteo, njegova priča datira če- tiri godine unazad. To je zato što je ovaj tip direktno razvijen od ma- njeg ATR 42, koji je svoj prvi probni let obavio 1984. Ovaj francusko-itali- janski turboprop dizajn bio je rezultat zajedničkog poduhvata kompanija

Aerospatiale i Aeritalia, koje su stvo- rile ATR. Njihov novi, veći avion rela- tivno se brzo razvijao s obzirom na to da je imao visok stepen sličnosti sa postojećim ATR 42. Do 1988. godi- ne prvi primerak većeg regionalnog turboprop aviona bio je spreman za poletanje. Učinio je to pre 35 godina, 27. oktobra, dobivši sertifikat 11 me- seci kasnije. Prototip ATR 72-600 koji ima flota Er Srbije, prvi put je po- leteo 24. jula 2009. godine. AIR SERBIA’S SIXTH ATR 72600, registration number YU-ASB, flew to Belgrade on 23 rd June. The arri- val of this aircraft marks a signifi- cant reinforcement of the regional fleet for the current summer sea- son. It’s worth recalling that the air- line’s first ATR 72-600 type aircraft, YU-ALY, landed at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport on 27 th January last year. The Air Serbia regional fleet has sin- ce been completely replaced by air- craft of this type and completely re- juvenated. All six ATR aircraft that have so far joined the fleet have a configura- tion of 70 to 72 seats. The planes are

27.17 m long and have a wingspan of 27.05 m. The highest speed they can reach during cruising is about 500 km/h, while the maximum range wi- th full capacity is about 1,500 km. Interestingly, this year will mark 35 years since the first flight of the ATR 72. While it has been that many years since the ATR 72 took to the skies, its story actually dates back another four years. This is becau- se the type is a direct development of the smaller ATR 42, which made its inaugural test flight in 1984. This French-Italian turboprop design was the result of a joint venture between Aérospatiale and Aeritalia that cre- ated ATR as a company. They we- re able to develop new stretched air- craft relatively quickly, given that it had a high degree of commonali- ty with the existing ATR 42. As su- ch, the first example of the larger re- gional turboprop was ready to take off by 1988. It did so 35 years ago, on 27 th October, receiving its airwort- hiness certification 11 months la- ter. The prototype ATR 72-600 from Air Serbia fleet, first flew on 24 th Ju- ly 2009.

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