sno „Telekom Srbija“. Ostvarena je saradnja sa „Amazon Pri- me“, „Disney Plus“... U čemu je tajna? – „Telekom Srbija“ svoje poslovne aktivnosti i strateške planove vodi vrlo transparentno i odgo- vorno. U skladu s tim, nema nikakve tajne, već je sve rezultat strategije za multimediju koja je postav- ljena još 2018, dolaskom sadašnjeg generalnog di- rektora Vladimira Lučića na mesto koordinatora za internet i multimediju. Za to vreme „Telekom Srbi- ja“ se pozicionirala kao najozbiljniji i najveći produ- cent igranog sadržaja u regionu, što nam je otvori- lo vrata za saradnju sa inostranim koprodukcijama, distributerskim kućama i učestvovanje na svetskim lmskim i serijskim festivalima. Nakon sadržaja tehnologija je druga veo- ma važna tema na kojoj insistirate? – Prednost svih operatera na globalnom nivou je što oni decenijama unazad imaju vrlo razvijenu mre- žu distribucije, i to je oblast u kojoj nemaju konku- renciju. Isto se odnosi i na „Telekom Srbija“. Došao je momenat da su telko operateri shvatili da je, po- red same distribucije, vreme da se ponudi i kontent, bilo u vidu televizija kao što je slučaj sa nemačkim „Magenta“ ili belgijskim „Proximus Telekomom“, ko- ji u svom vlasništvu imaju nekoliko kanala, bilo u vi- du produkcije igranog sadržaja kojim se obogaćuje lokalna ponuda i pravi biblioteka za svetsku distri- buciju. Tu je „Telekom Srbija“ video svoju šansu da, pored distributivne mreže, svojim korisnicima ponu- di i najkvalitetniji sadržaj. Osim same distributivne mreže, konstantno ulaganje u tehnologiju multime- dijalnog sadržaja takođe je nešto gde telko industri- je nemaju konkurenciju. Stalno unapređenje, razvoj i prilagođavanje platforme krajnjim korisnicima je- dan je od elementarnih stubova u „Telekomu Srbija“. „Superstar“ je ubedljivo najgledaniji ka- blovski kanal u Srbiji. Da li ga sa pravom nazivaju srpskim HBO kanalom? – „Superstar“ kanal u oktobru ove godine sla- vi pet godina svog postojanja. Za to vreme ušao je u top 10 najgledanijih kanala u konkurenciji onih i sa nacionalnom pokrivenošću, a ubedljivo je najgle- daniji kablovski kanal. U pitanju je kanal koji ima safe content, inostrani i domaći, koji je istovreme- no originalan i ne može se gledati na drugim televi- zijskim kanalima. Za svoje mesto izborio se jedin- stvenom ponudom i kvalitetnim vođenjem. Igrani sadržaj (lmovi i serije) pored sporta, jeste kontent koji okupira pažnju gledalaca i zato „Superstar“ ne- ma konkurenciju. Šta nas čeka kada je u pitanju produkcija i distribucija igranog sadržaja? – Čekaju nas velike stvari. Internacionalizacija sadržaja, ostvarena saradnja sa velikim inostranim koprodukcijama, saradnja sa lokalnim i regionalnim produkcijama, kao i veliki projekat digitalizacije (4k) najznačajnijih dela naše kinematograje.
the emotion, sub-context and subculture of this region. is can only be done locally by a regional player.” You’ve established cooperation with Amazon Prime, Disney+... What’s the secret? “Telekom Srbija conducts its business activities and strategic plans very transparently and responsibly, and accordingly there is no secret, rather everything is the re- sult of a multimedia strategy that was introduced in 2018, with the arrival of current CEO Vladimir Lučić in the po- sition of internet and multimedia coordinator. rough- out this time, Telekom Srbija has positioned itself as the biggest and most serious producer of feature content in the region, which opened the door to cooperation with international coproductions and distribution companies, and participation in the world’s film and series festivals.” After content, technology is another very im- portant topic that you insist on addressing? “All operators at the global level have the advantage of a very well-developed distribution network that they’ve had for decades, and they are unrivalled in that area. e same applies to Telekom Srbija when it comes to Serbian. e moment has arrived when telecommunications op- erators have realised that, alongside distribution itself, it is also time to offer content, either in the form of televi- sion, as is the case with Germany’s Magenta Telekom or Belgium’s Proximus Telecom, both of which own several channels, or in the form of the production of feature en- tertainment content, with which the local offer is enriched and a library for global distribution is created. is is where Telekom Srbija saw its chance to offer its users, in addi- tion to its distribution network, the highest quality con- tent. Alongside the distribution network itself, constant investment in technology for multimedia content is also an area where the telecommunications industry is with- out rival. e constant improvement, development and adaptation of the platform to the needs of users is one of the fundamental pillars of Telekom Srbija.” Superstar is far and away the most popular ca- ble channel in Serbia. Is it justifiable that it is dubbed the Serbian HBO? “e Superstar channel celebrates its fifth anniversary this October. During that time, it has entered the ranks of the top 10 most watched channels, in competition among those that have national coverage, and it is convincing- ly the most popular cable channel. is is a channel that has safe content, both foreign and domestic, original con- tent that can’t be seen on other television channels. It has fought for and won its place with a unique offer and qual- ity leadership. Feature content (movies and series), along- side sport, is the content that captures the viewers’ at- tention and that is why “Superstar” has no competition.” What awaits us when it comes to the produ- ction and distribution of feature content? “We are awaited by great things. e internationalisa- tion of content, cooperation with large international co- productions, with local and regional productions, as well as a major digitisation project (4k) of the most significant works of our cinematography.”
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