est engineering and exploration feat in human histo- ry, but the U.S. government treated its final missions as the end of a public works project; little was done to build on its successes and hard-won knowledge. Sad..." What was your meeting with Elon Musk like? “I met with Mr Musk when he was introducing his Space X Programme. I introduced myself as a for- mer member of the Apollo team, made him aware that I was the Chairman of the Tesla Science Foundation and thanked him for his decision to recognise Niko- la Tesla by naming his automobile and corporation in honour of the great scientist. He responded by saying that Tesla was his hero and that the automobile had been developed in his image.” You are co-founder and chairman emeritus of the Tesla Science Foundation in the U.S. and the Engineers Academy of Serbia decid- ed to nominate you to be the world’s first President of the International Tesla Com- mittee. Is this celebrated scientist recog- nised in an adequate way around the world? “Dr Tesla is finally beginning to surface as the ulti- mate unsung hero as the “Father of the 21 st Century”. I am honoured and express my sincere appreciation to the Engineers Academy for having recognised me as being worthy to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Union of Engineers of Serbia”. Would the world that we live in today even have been possible without Tesla’s work? “Tesla conducted in-depth research into advanced technology, theories, inventions, which has had a pos- itive impact on every human being on this planet, in- cluding wireless communications (mobile telephones), robotics, radio, radar, electrical power distribution sys- tems, X-ray etc.” What did Tesla mean to you personally? “Tesla represented the ultimate incentive to suc- ceed in my personal and professional endeavours and represented the strength necessary to pursue his many objectives under the most difficult of circumstances. He Srpska zastava na Beloj kući Vrlo često vas primaju u Beloj kući sa suprugom Džin- džer, koja je potomak Edit Boling Galt Vilson, supruge američkog predsednika Vudroa Vilsona ? – Veoma sam ponosan, kao i moja supruga Džindžer, što je predsednik Vilson odao priznanje Srbima za njihova heroj- ska dela i žrtve posle Prvog svetskog rata. Mnogi Amerikan- ci su potpuno nesvesni tog istorijskog događaja. Vudro Vil- son je napravio neviđeni gest i naredio da se srpska zastava vijori iznad Bele kuće kao prva strana zastava, od ukupno dve koje su se vijorile u njenoj istoriji. Bilo je to 28. jula 1918.
SERBIAN FLAG FLYING ON THE WHITE HOUSE You are very often received at White House receptions together with your wife Ginger, who is a descendant of Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, the wife of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson? “I am very proud, as is my wife Ginger, that Serbs were recognised by President Wilson for their heroic deeds and sacrifices after WWI. Many Americans are totally oblivious to that historic event. Woodrow Wilson made an unprecedented gesture and ordered the Serbian flag fly over the White House as the first foreign flag and one of only two to have ever flown above the capitol in its entire history. That was on 28 th Ju- ly 1918.”
was an amazing gentleman who deserved due respect and recognition and whom I considered my role model.” e Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is commemorating the 80 th anniversary of the departure of the great scientist with a series of activities and the launch of the strategic campaign Tesla-Energy of Peace and Tesla Style programme, but also with the award- ing of symbolic Tesla diplomatic passports, of which you are also a recipient. What are your impressions, as a first Tesla ambassa- dor? “ose responsible for having planned, orchestrat- ed and implemented this momentous event should be congratulated for the design of a programme with an emphasis on the value of Dr Tesla’s numerous scien- tific contributions to the 21 st Century, including by honouring those who are committed to promoting his legacy and the importance of generating "pride" in Serbia and its Global Diaspora.” You were born in America, but you’ve devot- ed your life to preserving your Serbian her- itage... “I continue to preserve my Serbian heritage, cus- toms, traditions, folklore and faith by attending our Serbian Orthodox Church, practicing our religious hol- idays and slava (Krstovdan), attending musical and sporting events and associating with Serbian friends and family.” How do you feel when you come to Serbia? “I very much enjoy the beautiful people of Serbia. ey are pleasant, accommodating and polite, and I look forward to enjoying them as family, friends and acquaintances. ey represent the gift of comfort that I appreciate while I’m in Belgrade. I always feel at home in Serbia.” And, finally, I have to ask you what would represent ‘a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind’ today? "World peace; solving the problem of poverty; a cure for cancer!”
Ponosan sam na to što je beogradski aerodrom dobio ime po Nikoli Tesli i na to što Er Srbija u svojoj floti ima avion sa njegovom i Pupinovim likom I’m proud that the Belgrade airport received the name Nikola Tesla and that the Air Serbia fleet has planes bearing his likeness and that of Pupin
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