Lifestyle Lajfstajl ZANIMLJIVOSTI... O SLADOLEDU Njegovo ledeno
visočanstvo Da li ste znali da su istraživanja pokazala da muškarci češće biraju sladoled kao desert nego žene? S vetski dan sladoleda zvanično se proslav- lja od 1984. godine. Američki predsednik Ronald Regan proglasio je te godine jul za mesec sladoleda, a 18. jul za Međunarod- ni dan ove poslastice. Iskoristite priliku, batalite dijetu, slavite sladoled! A evo i nekih zani- mljivosti koje možda niste znali... Uprkos mnogo različitih vrsta, vanila ostaje favorit i bira se devet od deset puta Sladoledi sa slanim ukusima postaju sve popu- larniji! Ljudi vole ukuse dimljene slanine i jaja, crnog bibera, senfa, kao i piva ili čaja Prosečan broj lizanja da se završi kugla sla- doleda je 50 Zemlja koja najviše konzumira sladoled je SAD, zatim Australija, pa Norveška Neki od najčudnijih ukusa su avokado, beli luk, čili i slanina Glavobolja od sladoleda ili „zamrzavanje mozga“ rezultat je toga što nervni završeci na nepcima šalju poruku vašem mozgu o gubitku toplote Kornet sladoleda je posledica nesrećnog sluča- ja! Na Svetskoj izložbi u Sent Luisu 1904. pro- davcu sladoleda ponestalo je činija, pa je proi- zvođač vaa umotao kugle u kornet da bi mu pomogao Čokoladni sirup je najpopular- niji preliv za sladoled
Did you know that surveys have shown that men are more likely to choose ice cream as a dessert than women? W orld Ice Cream Day has been official- ly commemorated since 1984, when then U.S. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July the month of ice cream and the 18 th of that month as the International day of this icy dessert. Use the opportunity to abandon your diet and celebrate ice cream! And here we provide some interesting facts you might not have known about this chilled creaminess... Despite myriad different flavours, vanilla re- mains the favourite ice cream, being chosen nine times out of ten Ices with savoury flavours are today becoming increasingly popular – there are Smoked Bacon and Egg, Black Pepper, Mustard and even beer and tea flavoured ices e average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50 e country that consumes the most ice cream is the U.S., followed by Australia and Norway Some of the strangest flavours found are avo- cado, garlic, chili and bacon An ice cream headache, or “brain freeze”, is the result of the nerve endings in the roof of your mouth sending a heat loss message to your brain e ice cream cone was an accident! At the 1904 St Louis World’s Fair, an ice cream vendor ran out of bowls, so a waffle maker rolled his pastries into a cone shape to help Chocolate syrup is the most popu- lar ice cream topping
88 | Sladoled » Ice cream
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