
14A — April 12 - 25, 2013 —Financial Digest — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Southern New Jersey Chapter www.ai-snj.org Telephone 856-415-0281 • Fax 856-415-1952

nWednesday, January 30th, the Southern New Jersey Chapter of Installation and Dinner Meeting: Another Informative Success O

Southern NJ Chapter Appraisal Institute 2013 Chapter Officers President Jacob Ramage, MAI jake.ramage@cushwake.com Vice President Pamela Brodowski, MAI pjbbrb@aol.com Treasurer Al Crosby acrosby@insightnj.com Secretary Jerrold McCarron, MAI jermccarron@gmail.com

theAppraisal Institute hosted its first dinner meeting of the year at the Adelphia Grand Ballroom in Deptford. The 2013 slate of officers and direc- tors were installed, including Chapter President Jake Ram- age, MAI. The keynote speaker was the 2013 Appraisal Institute Na- tional President Rick Borges, MAI, SRA. He passed on his insight onAppraisal Institute’s direction in 2013 through a “State of the Industry” presen- tation that was both interest- ing and informative. As part of the ceremony, 2012 SNJAI President Jerry McHale, MAI, was presented a gavel plaque by 2013 SNJAI President Jake Ramage, MAI, and President Borges, MAI, SRA. On January 16, Samuel Levi earned his MAI designation. We were pleased to pres- ent him his certificate at the installation dinner on Janu- ary 30th with the Appraisal Institute National President Rick Borges, MAI, SRA. Sam offers 10 years of experience in real estate appraising and investing. He has an MA in Talmudic Law from Beth Me- drash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. He has Certified General Real EstateAppraiser licenses in Pennsylvania and NJ. Sam is a principal at Starmark Ap- praisals where he appraises a wide variety of property types for financing, litigation sup- port and condemnation. Prior to that, Sam was an appraiser at Tony Kamand Realty. In his spare time, Sam likes to spend time with his wife and kids. He serves on the board of his local synagogue and enjoys volunteering for several local charities. The Chapter holds 4 dinner meetings a year: January, April, September and Novem- ber. All except the January meeting include 2-3 continu- ing education credits. This is a wonderful way to meet your CE requirement and talk to new and old friends and col- leagues. The next chapter meeting will be the Apprais- ers/Assessors joint meeting on April 10th at the Adelphia Restaurant in Deptford.

SNJAI President Jerry McHale, MAI, was presented a gavel plaque by 2013 SNJAI President Jake Ramage, MAI, and President Borges, MAI, SRA

Director (Term through ‘15) Errett Vielehr

Director (Term through ‘15) Robert Kirwan, SRA

Director (Term through ‘15) Jackie Marmur Jackiemarmur@tonykamand.com

Samuel Levi receives his MAI designation certificate

Director (Term through ’14) James Carr carrappraisals@aol.com


Director (Term through ’14) John T. Stone, MAI

Seminars at the Shore Wednesday & Thursday, May 29 & 30th, 2013 Golden Nugget, Atlantic City September Symposium Thursday, Sept. 12th, 2013 Crowne Plaza, Monroe Township

Director (Term through ’13) Bonnie Longo, MAI , SRA

Director (Term through ’13) Michael S. Sapio, MAI northstarappraisal@msn.com President Ex Officio Jerome McHale, MAI jmchale@jmchaleassoc.com

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