
14C — April 12 - 25, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

2013 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz A gency (HMK) P ast P resident & N ominating C hair T ina K isela , SCSMS, SCMD P resident E lect C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEEDAP S pillman F armer A rchitects S ecretary C atherine (K ate ) D urso F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. T reasurer C ynthia M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & C ompany C orresponding S ecretary P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust D irectors - at -L arge K elly B erfield , E sq . T he D ietrick G roup LLC J essica G entile N orth S tar C onstruction M anagement , I nc . P olaris P roperties , I nc . S ponsorship C ommittee T racy Y adush , RPA NAI S ummit P rograms C ommittee N icholas H ewes , AIA MKSD A rchitects , LLC M embership C ommittee K aren C ooney D uerholz B oyle C onstruction I nc . 2013 C ommittee C hairs

CREW LV Tours First “Out of the Ground” Building in Allentown’s Neighborhood Improvement Zone

More than 50 members and guests of CREW Le- high Valley were treated to a construction tour of the 6-story, 50,000- square-foot expansion of the Alvin H. Butz office building on March 21. Lo- cated at the corner of 9th and Hamilton Streets in downtown Allentown, PA, it was the first project to break ground in the city’s Neighborhood Improve- ment Zone (NIZ), a special economic development region established by the state legislature through Act 50 of 2009 and Act 26 of 2011 Approved projects within the NIZ have ac- cess to financing available through bonds issued by the Allentown Economic Development Corporation. Most state and local taxes collected by businesses operating within the NIZ are redirected for bond repayment. Other NIZ-approved projects under construc- tion include a new $272 million- dollar complex that involves a hockey arena, retail uses, and parking and office build- ings being developed by City Center Investment Corporation. Other Penn- sylvania municipalities are investigating the NIZ concept as a tool for eco- nomic redevelopment. To accommodate their expansion, the Butz fam- ily acquired two buildings adjacent to the 85,000- square foot, Class A office building which has been

the headquarters of The Alvin H. Butz Company since 2006. The original building and the new ex- pansion were designed by Roberson-Butz Architects and built by The Alvin H. Butz Company, a construc- tionmanagement firm that is a subsidiary of Butz Enterprises, a privately held corporation owned by the Butz family. The new section is anticipated to be ready for occupancy later this year. SPONSORS Gold: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C.; Liberty Property Trust; PennCap Properties; Servpro of Easton Beth- lehem & Whitehall Patron: NAI Summit; Boyle Construction; Pen- noni Associates; Langan Engineering; Northstar Construction Contributor: HMK Insurance; Spi l lman Farme r Ar ch i t e c t s ; MKSDArchitects; Sper- ry Van Ness Imperial Realty Friend: Barry Isett & Associates; National Penn Bank; Ondra-Huy- ett Construction; Regan, Levin, Bloss, Brown & Savchak PC; Buckno, Lisicky & Co.; CBRE; Greater Reading Eco- nomic Partnership; The Dietrick Group; J.G. Petrucci Co.

Tom Daniels conducted the building tour.

The program began with a Project overview, conducted by CREW member Margaret McConnell, Butz’s enterprise marketing manager.

C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing , CCIM CBRE, I nc

P ublicity C ommittee E lizabeth “M olly ’ G raver , E sq . P lunkett & G raver , P.C.

The afternoon concluded with a networking reception at Sangria Restaurant on the ground floor of the building.

For Membership Information Contact Karen Duerholz at kcduerholz@boyleconstruction.com

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