King's Business - 1911-10

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Biblical Postures.

HIMSELF. " I t 's Just Like Jesus." To leave all for love's sake— "He emp- tied Himself ' '—Phil. 2:7. To give up His own ways— "He pleased not Himself"- —Rom. 15:3. To be modest, unassuming— "He glori- fied not Himself "—Heb. 5:5. To give all "for others— "He gave Him- self"—1 Tim. 2:6. To humbly serve others— "He girded Himself" —Jno. 13:4. To stop at no sacrifice— "The sacrifice of Himself"— Heb. 9:26. To spare all but self : S"He can not save Himself ' '—Matt. 27:42. To explain the Scriptures— "Things con- cerning Himself" —Luke 24:27. To come for His own— "Himself shall descend"—1 Thess. 4:16. J. H. S. For Our: —offering a Lamb, Jno. 1:29;—propitia- tion, Blood, Rom. 3:25;—sin, Forgiveness, Eph. 1:7;—guilt, Justification. —enmity, Peace, Eph. 2:14;—unholiness. Sanctifica- tion, 1 Cor. 1:2;—captivity, Redemption, Gal. 4:5;—ruin, Salvation, 1 Thess. 4:9;— despair, Hope, 1 Tim. 1:1;—folly, Wisdom, 1 Cor. 1:30;—weakness. Strength, Phil. 4: 13;—poverty, Riches, 2 Cor. 8:9 ;—weari- ness, Rest, Matt. 11:28;—loneliness, a Friend, Luke 12:4;—sorrow, a Comforter, Jno. 14:16; need, a Supply, Phil. 4:19. J. H. S. WHAT WE HAVE IN CHRIST READINESS. 1. A ready salvation, Matt. 22:4. 2. A ready ear, Eccl. 5:1. 3. A ready testimony, 1 Pet. 3:15. 4. A ready worker, Tit. 3:1. 5. A ready preacher, Rom. 1:15. 6. A ready soldier, Josh. 8:4. 7. A ready guest, Matt. 25:10. 8. A ready heir, 1 Pet. 1:4, 5. 9. A ready martyr, 2 Tim. 4:6. 10. Ready for all things, Acts 21:15.

1. Lying down, a. In security, Pro v. 3:24.—b. Well sat- isfied, Psa. 23:3.—e. Singing, Psa. 139:5. 2. Leaning, a. Not .on self, Prov. 3:5.—b. On the Be- loved, So. So. 8:5.—c. On His breast, Jno. 13:23. 3. Sitting, a. Sanely, Luke 8:35.—b. At His feet, Luke 10:39.—e. At His Supper, Matt. 26:30.—d. In His Kingdom. 4. Standing, a. On good ground, Psa. 26:12.—b. Armed, Eph. 6:4.—c. Steadfast, 1 Cor. 16:13.—d. In His presence, Psa. 24:3.— e. By His help, Rom. 14:4.—f. Inside the Gates, Psa. 122:2'. 5. Running, a. In His ways, Psa. 119:32—b. With- out stumbling, Pro. 4:12.—c. Without wearying, Isa. 40:31.—d. After Him, So. So. 1:4: 6. Leaping, a. With new strength, Isa. 35:6.—b. With joy, Luke 6:23—c. Over obstacles, Psa. 18:29. 7. Flying, a. We can not fly from Him, Psa. 139:9. —b. We long to fly to Him, Psa. 55:6.— c. On beautiful wings, Psa. 68:13.—d. We shall mount up, Isa. 40:31. 8. Reaching, a For re-assurance, Jno. 20:27.—b. IN helpfulness, Prov. 31:20—c. In evangel- ism, 2 Cor. 10: 13, 14. 9. Kneeling, a. Habitually, Dan. 6:10.—b. In Christ's Name, Phil. 2:10, 11.—c. In sweet fel- lowship, Acts 21:5,—d. With mutual;ex- hortation, Psa. 95.6. . -

"God answer prayer— Answers always, everywhere; I may cast my anxious c a r e - Burdens I could never bear, On the God who heareth prayer.?'

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