Mandevilla hybrida Rio North

Cultivation Advice

Use each Rio ® genetic for the relevant pot size.

Crop pinching is not recommended when planted with single plant per pot in January or later for sales in the same spring. Pinching is only recommended for an early transplanting before October. Pinching during the months from November until February is not recommended as gives stress to the plants. This can cause losses and leave drop. For non-Mediterranean climate environment, a planting with multiple young plants/QS is recommended. Reason for that is that Mandevilla in general branch not very easy and do not forgive pinching or other crop maintenance during low light periods. Syngenta recommends 2 – 3 ypl/pot – depending on pot size (10,5/11 cm 2 plants, 12/13 cm 3 plants). From experience it gives a far better result when the ypl are transplanted with some space in-between the ypl. Despite the draught resistance at consumers Mandevilla is rather sensitive on uneven irrigation during cultivation, mainly in winter times. Therefore, a scale is recommended to secure an even watering without too extremes ups and downs. Temperature range during transport & distribution of finished product to be kept between 12 - 15 ° C. Mandevilla is a tropical plant. Low temperatures below 16 ° C delay development.

Tips & Tricks

Fertilization & Substrate



PGR Applications

All irrigation has to be done from underneath (ebb&flood, capillary). Dry back of upper part of pot is allowed. Although very draught resistant in the garden Mandevilla do not like to be grown dry in the greenhouse. Mandevilla prefer stable moisture in the pot to grow stress free. It is recommended to transplant the ypl separately. From trials this gives a better and more uniform result.

Important to keep EC levels > 1,5 (high EC) at second half of growing in the substrate. Use a high porosity with well drained media.

Aphids and Spidermitesare common pests; Mealy bugs are possible. Under Northern conditions Whiteflies are hardly to see.

High light levels to avoid veining and promote growth. Perfect are DLI above 15 mol. With lower light levels (8 - 10 mol/day) please reduce temperature to avoid veining. Due to new developments in LED light, there are possibilities to reduce PGR and lead time by using blue LED.

Growth control can be reached with use of Regalis (prohexadione-calcium), Bonzi (paclobutrazol), Caramba (metconazole), Carx (Mepiquat, Metconazol) or B9/Alar (daminozide) as single product or tank mixed with CCC (chlormequatchloride). Please check the products are registered in the country before using them. Any late PGR will result in delayed flowering.


Botrytis, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Colletotrichum, leaf spot are common diseases.

Mandevilla hybrid Rio ®



Crop Manual


Classification: PUBLIC TM

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