04:05 Issue 1



Establish Payroll Processing Guidelines

Include Payroll in the Business Security Strategy Integrate payroll into your overall business security strategy. This can involve conducting background checks before hiring, limiting access to sensitive payroll information, and having a clear offboarding process. Including payroll in the business security strategy could also involve ensuring your payroll team, along with all relevant stakeholders within the payroll process, are familiar with the security protocols of the organisation - such as reporting a data breach, or even instances of reporting where someone is mistakenly provided access to sensitive information. Employees could also be trained as a part of company policy to lock their computers at all times they are unattended, or not be granted permission to connect to public networks.

Payroll processing guidelines are a way of documenting the procedures involved within the payroll process, to ensure that those administering the payroll follow a specific process which ensures checks that are performed each payrun.

This can include (but not be limited to):

Ensuring employee changes are made prior to the payrun being created Making sure all timesheets and leave entries are entered accurately (such as checking time entries against a roster) Checking any data changes, and where they have come from

“Assigning responsibilities for specific payroll-related tasks ensures protocols are built out around system access and can also be bundled with payroll processing guidelines”

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