04:05 Issue 1



4.00 p.m. I had a sit-down with the team to discuss the management reports configured in the system. Two months previously we had switched over from sending them out to having them accessed by authorised members of the management team. I wanted to find out how this was working. The aim was that all this information would be available in real-time at any given moment, and to make this work we would have to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the data. So far, we had no real complaints although we knew the reports were being accessed. We talked through staying in touch with each manager to make sure the report set-ups were giving them what they needed. 4.54 p.m. I sat and thought about the software exhibition I had been invited to attend at the end of the month. We did need a new HR system, for sure. Ours was six years old and was looking a bit clunky for users. It wasn’t easy to set workflows or notifications. I needed to speak to the Head of payroll about their experience too, as HR & payroll were integrated. We could then develop a business case if she was in agreement. I checked her diary; Thursday at 10.30 a.m. was free for half an hour, so I blocked that in together with a topic head. A new software project would be heavy on resources for a month or two, but we could backfill to cover that. I needed to jot down some figures and build up from there. If payroll would come onside, I was sure we could swing it. 5.41 p.m. That’s it for the day. I checked appointments for Tuesday and headed home

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