Craven: Golf & Low Back Pain


On a warm, sunny summer morning, you bound out of the house, eager to get busy digging, planting, weeding, and taking all the other steps to getting your garden started for the season. All day you keep at it, standing, stooping, leaning, kneeling, and crouching. The next morning, every muscle aches and you need time to recover before you can even think about gardening again. Even worse if, like so many of us, you aren’t as young and limber as you used to be. Does this mean you should give up the pleasures of homegrown tomatoes and fresh-picked bouquets? Not if you set up your garden to avoid the strain, use smart tools designed to lighten the work, and take time to prepare your body. Simple Rules Okay, these may seem pretty obvious to you, if you stop to think about them. The problem is, most of us don’t practice them until after we’re in desperate need of massage therapy just to stand upright. Set attainable goals. We’ve all been in this position: On the one weekend you have completely free, you plan to turn the soil and plant all of your spring garden before sundown on Sunday. No matter how you feel by Saturday afternoon. Don’t fall into this trap. Instead, set modest goals for each portion of the day and assess your progress and how you feel every couple of hours.

Pace yourself. Remember that story about the tortoise and the hare? You will work longer and stronger if you go at a task steadily than if you push to finish a big project. Take breaks. Every hour, give yourself 5 minutes to stretch, sit down, and drink to replenish the fluids lost from your exertion. You’ll more than compensate for those idle 5 minutes with increased productivity during the other 55 minutes of the hour. Place chairs in the shade around your garden so you are reminded to relax in them. Beware of bending and reaching. Physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other experts in the field will tell you that you are most vulnerable to injury when you are bending at the waist and reaching. You’re also more prone to losing your balance and falling in this position. If you must bend, do so with your knees rather than your back. And position yourself close enough to your task so that you are not reaching. Even pulling weeds puts more strain on your lower back than you realize. Ask for help. This may be the toughest advice to take when you are determined to make it through your list of chores. But if you have a heavy or awkwardly balanced object to move, get assistance from a friend or neighbor. Whether you are lifting something alone or with help, hold it at your side or close to your body in front to avoid back strain.

GARDENING TIPS: Kelsey Bohachewski and Jill Gallays give tips and exercises to help you maintain your posture, and keep you healthy and active as you garden!

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PELVICFLOOR Q&A Bree Rutten is answering all of your questions! Join us for a new video series of Q&A WITH BREE! Send your questions, concerns and myths about the pelvic floor to Bree at and she will answer your questions in an upcoming video! View the series here: *Your personal information and name will never be shared in any of the videos

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