the vancouver rennie advance | June 2024

highlights • O n am onth-over-m onth basis,theG reaterVancouverboard areasaw an increaseof0.1% in m edian sold prices(averaged acros hom etypes),w hiletheFraserValey experienced adeclineof 0.5%.In G reaterVancouver,townhom eand condo pricesfel by0.9% and 0.3% respectively,while detached hom epricesroseby 1.5% .In theFraserValey detached pricesw ereflat,w hile townhom epricesfelby0.6% and condopricesdeclined 0.9%. • O n ayear-over-yearbasis,m edian sold pricesin G reaterVancouverw ereup 1.9% (averaged acros hom etypes)whiletheFraserValeyboard saw aslight0.1% decline.In G reaterVancouver, detached hom epriceswere3% higher,townhom epriceswere3% higher,whilecondoswere0.1% lower.In theFraserValey,detached hom epriceswere2% lower,townhom espriceswereflat, whilecondopriceswere1.9% higher.


MAY 2024


+ 3% vsM ay2023 Greater Vancouver






DETACHED median salesprice



- 2% vsM ay2023

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 $0

━ G reaterVancouver ━ FraserValey

● May


Greater Vancouver



+ 3% vsM ay2023





TOWNHOME median salesprice



- vsM ay2023

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 $0

━ G reaterVancouver ━ FraserValey

● May


- vsM ay2023 Greater Vancouver






CONDO median salesprice



+ 2% vsM ay2023

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 $0

━ G reaterVancouver ━ FraserValey

● May

Copyright© June3,2024renniegroupofcom panies.Alrightsreserved.Thism aterialm aynotbereproducedordistributed,inwholeorinpart,withoutthepriorwritenperm is ionoftherenniegroupofcom panies.CurentasofJune3,2024.Aldatafrom RealEstateBoardof GreaterVancouverandFraserValey& Rennie.W hiletheinform ationanddatacontainedhereinhasbe nobtainedfrom sourcesde m edreliable,ac uracycannotbeguarante d.renniegroupofcom paniesdoesnotas um eresponsibiltyorliabiltyforanyinac uracies.Therecipient oftheinform ationshouldtakestepsastherecipientm ayde m neces arytoverifytheinform ationpriortoplacinganyrelianceupontheinform ation.Theinform ationcontainedwithinthisreportshouldnotbeusedasanopinionofvalue,suchopinionsshouldandcanbeobtained from aren ieandas ociatesadvisor.Alinform ationissubjecttochangeandanypropertym aybewithdrawnfrom them arketatanytim ewithoutnoticeorobligationtotherecipientfrom renniegroupofcom panies.E.&O.E.


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