Biola Broadcaster - 1954-11


One of th e most important determining factors of the use– fulness of a radio program is to realize just how many people listen to the broadcasts so that future plans may be made in curtailment, continuance or advancement. In view of this, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, BIOLA President, has proclaimed November as " Radio Month" at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, with the earnest desire that every person who listens to the radio programs will send in a letter telling over which station he hears the broadcast. All of those who write in during the month of November and mention the call letters of thei~ local station will receive a free copy of a Christmas devotional message by Dr. Louis T. Talbot entitled "God's Unspeakable Gift." This beautiful little booklet will be a wonderful gift for some loved ones during the coming holiday season, and a copy may be received free simply by writing during Radio Month and stating the name of the broadcasting station which brings the Bible Institute Hour into yo11r homes three times each week. look for in this issue:


biola films introduces new production with dr. talbot

Taken from graphic scenes photographed in the dense jungles of New Guinea, the Bible Institute Film Department has announced the release of the newest full color sound motion picture by Dr. Louis T. Talbot: "The Land Time Forgot." This 38 minute film will take

the viewer into the heart of the treacherous and razor-like mountains of this little known land where scenes in gorgeous color portray the dangerous Bird of Paradise people who, for centuries, have been practicing weird and superstitious rituals including head-hunting. They are decorated with bright paints and exotically colored forest plumage. Also photographed are the sometimes hostile "Wigmen" who have received this strange name because of the fact that they take the hair from all of their dead ancestors and make a headpiece of it which sometimes is piled several feet high on top of their heads. "The Land Time Forgot" is an excellent film for any occa– sion and is available on a free-will offering basis which is for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles of training' young people for world-wide Christian service. For free descrip– tive information concerning this and other missionary color motion pictures, write to the Film Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles 17, California. If you have not as yet obtained copies of the class notes for November, you will want to do so right away by using the coupon to the right. They continue where the October studies left off and will give you an excellent series of helps for home inspiration. The final series will be available during December. Every listener is invited to send in any questions which he may have and, at the end of the series, Dr. Feinberg will devote an entire half hour to answering as many of them as possible. This will take place about the middle of December. The average radio listener cannot realize the difficulty in placing such a series on the air today. Regulations will not permit the speaker to say anything which would indicate an error in any cult or false religion. Many hours and hours have been spent in careful study of this series, and we earnestly seek the prayers of our listeners that God will continue to overrule and intervene and that Satan would not have sway Hi blinding the hearts of lost men and women today. no december issue Because of the fact that the 1955 Bible Institute Calendar will be coming into your homes shortly, there will not be an issue of the BI OLA BROADCAST ER for the month of December. Be watching for the January publication, however, which will contain many new and vitally interesting features. free class study note from book of revelation offered Response to the new series of verse by verse studies on the book of Revelation by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, has been very gratifying and certainly indicates a real hunger on the part of God's people to study the Bible in this systematic way.

broadcast tape recorded from county fair grounds

Crowd beginning to gather before broadcast of the Bible Institute Hour at the Los Angeles County Fair

As guests of the historic Union Rescue Mission, 226 South Main Street in Los Angeles, the radio staff of the Bible Insti– tute of Los Angeles presented a special rally and program at the recent 1954 Los Angeles County Fair. Heard on the broadcast were Mr. Hugh Murchison, President of the Board of Directors of the Mission which was formed in 1891, and the Rev. Clinton Goodwin, House Manager and Evangelist for the Organization which yearly ministers not only to hundreds and thousands of homeless men and boys, but nearly one million servicemen as well. Since the program was recorded outside the booth, many hundreds of people gathered around to hear the wonderful words of eternal life and melodies of Salvation. Tracts and other Gospel literature were distributed in this unique service of the Bible Institute Hour to many who had never before attended church. 1955 biola calendar coming soon For the past many months, very careful planninl! and a large volume of prayer has been expended on the 1955 Bible Institute Calendar which we have desired to be the finest ever produced. We believe very definitely that God has heard and answered our prayers with the resultant publication which will be in your homes shortly. It is our sincere wish that the calen– dar may not only be a means of blessing for those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, but also the many others who will be receiving it who have never placed their faith and trust in our wonderful Redeemer. If you have been receiving the BIOLA BROADCASTER in your home regularly each month, you will automatically be sent our new calendar very shortly. Then, if you desire extra copies to give to your friends and loved ones, you may write for them as long as the supply lasts. We will not tell you what this year's calendar will be like, but will leave the surprise for you when you open your mail– box in the next few days. We will greatly appreciate receiving your reaction to it and, of course, your prayers that it may be a means of great testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ through the months ahead.

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" MATTHEW 16:26 Someone has suggested an interesting experiment which, if conducted, becomes quite revealing to us. First of all, take a piece of plain flat paper and place it on a flat piece of metal. Then, light the paper and you will find that the fire soon goes out. The scientific reason for this is that metal absorbs heat and therefore starves the flames until they die out. While this perhaps is the explanation of the simple test, yet I believe it has a real lesson in it for all of us today, for .in a like manner when gold is placed close to the soul, it causes the holy flame of our love for God tp shrink and diminish. The heart of a true Christian cannot embrace God in His fullness and at the same time a love for money with its accompanying idolatrous ruin. Paul could say, "For to me to live is Christ." But many today could only admit, "For to me to live is money," or "fame," or "social prominence," or "business success." In First Timothy we read "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." How many professing children of God have found themselves ensnared in the things of this world with ensuing trials, testings and heartaches as they have clung so tenaciously to money. Remem– ber, the important exhortation in Scripture, "It is required in steward that a man be found faithful." As we give to God that which is rightfully His, our joy in His service will be multiplied to an untold degree! radio choir Mr. Earl Hulin, Director of Music for BIOLA, has announced that pastors of churches in the Southern California area will now have the opportunity of Sacred Music Concerts for their members with the MUSICAL BIOLANS, the choir which is regularly featured over the Bible Institute Hour. For informa– tion and possible dates for appearances, contact the Music Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, or you may call MAdison 5-1641, Extension 53. .... .... .... ..,......... (CLIP OUT AND MAlL TODAY) BIOLA BROADC.ASTER Bible.lnstitute of Los Angeles, Inc, 553South H91>e Street . Los Angeles 17, California Dear Sirs: .Please send me free copies of the checked mate.rial: D Th~ November Class Notes for Dr. Fei_nberg's Revelation series. · D The November Panel Discussion (You may request any back _; issues you wish.) . . ~ ·. D The booklet "Heaven, The Believer's Eternal Home/' by lk_ Talbot (as supply lasts). . . . · . .D The Catalog of our BIOLA htll-color motion pic.ture produc– tions. · · D A free edition of "The King's Business," "BIOLA's literarf voice dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home. I am enclosing a love gift of $.................................................. to be used in the fr~ining of young people for world-wide missionary service for the Lord Jesus Christ. · . NAME..................................................,..... ~ ............................................. . ADDRESS.....................................................................:............................. CITY AND STATE..,...................................:.................._.......................

Intelligence is like a river . . . the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

The story is told of a certain lady who met with a serious accident which necessitated a very painful operation and many months in bed. When the doctor had finished his examination, and was about to leave, she asked: "Doctor, how long will I have to stay here in this bed, helpless and hopeless?" "ONLY ONE DAY AT A TIME," was the encouraging answer. And even so it is with all of our trials. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Take no thought therefore for the morrow. My ~race is suffi~ient for thee: for My strength is made per· feet m weakness.

God's ways are not like human ways, He wears such strange disguises ; He tests us with His long delays And then our faith surprises.


While we in unbelief deplore And wonder at His staying, He stands already at the door To interrupt our praying. * * * No man has a right to do as he pleases, unless he pleases to do right.

A careless word may kindle strife; A cruel .word may wreck a life. A bitter word may hate instill; A brutal word may smite and kill. A gracious word' may smooth the war;

A joyous word ma.y light the day. A timely word may lessen stress; A loving word may comfort and bless. * * * A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.


heaven booklet Due to a very heavy demand for the booklet on " Heaven," by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, an extra reprint had to be made so that everyone who made the would be certain to receive a copy. With this printing, we find that there are about two hundred of these excellent booklets left, and we will be glad to send one to any of our BROADCASTER readers, free and postpaid, with a simple request. It must be understood , however, that we can do this only as the supply lasts. So, be sure to get your requests in the mail today.

throughout the west ...


"Bible Institute Hour" · MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at 8:30 A.M. California Nevada KISS... . Bishop .. .. .. ....1230. KATO.. Reno .............. 1340 KXOC...Chico .................1060

2 Ir) ci <.D cl! -

Oregon KWIL . Albany ... . . ..... 1240 K.WIN . Ashland . ... .... .... 1400 KAST... Astoria .... ........ 1370 KBND... Bend ................ 1110 KOOS. .Coos Bay . .. ....... 1230 KORE . ltugene ............... 14'50 KUIN.. Grants Pass .......... 1340 KW JJ . Portland ..... . . .. .1080 KRXL . Roseburg .............. 1240 KSLM... Salem ......... ........ 1390 Washington KXRO...Aberdeen ... .... .1320 KPUG....Bellingham ........... 1170 KELA... Centralia . .......... 1470 KRKO. . Everett ..... .......... 1380 KWLK.. Longview ............ 1400 KGY•... Olympia ..........1240 KVL .. Seattle ............ 570 KNEW .Spokane ....... 790 KUJ..... Walla Walla ......... 1420 KWNWWenatchec .......... 1340 KYAK .. Yakima ...............1400


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