biola films introduces new production with dr. talbot
Taken from graphic scenes photographed in the dense jungles of New Guinea, the Bible Institute Film Department has announced the release of the newest full color sound motion picture by Dr. Louis T. Talbot: "The Land Time Forgot." This 38 minute film will take
the viewer into the heart of the treacherous and razor-like mountains of this little known land where scenes in gorgeous color portray the dangerous Bird of Paradise people who, for centuries, have been practicing weird and superstitious rituals including head-hunting. They are decorated with bright paints and exotically colored forest plumage. Also photographed are the sometimes hostile "Wigmen" who have received this strange name because of the fact that they take the hair from all of their dead ancestors and make a headpiece of it which sometimes is piled several feet high on top of their heads. "The Land Time Forgot" is an excellent film for any occa– sion and is available on a free-will offering basis which is for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles of training' young people for world-wide Christian service. For free descrip– tive information concerning this and other missionary color motion pictures, write to the Film Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles 17, California. If you have not as yet obtained copies of the class notes for November, you will want to do so right away by using the coupon to the right. They continue where the October studies left off and will give you an excellent series of helps for home inspiration. The final series will be available during December. Every listener is invited to send in any questions which he may have and, at the end of the series, Dr. Feinberg will devote an entire half hour to answering as many of them as possible. This will take place about the middle of December. The average radio listener cannot realize the difficulty in placing such a series on the air today. Regulations will not permit the speaker to say anything which would indicate an error in any cult or false religion. Many hours and hours have been spent in careful study of this series, and we earnestly seek the prayers of our listeners that God will continue to overrule and intervene and that Satan would not have sway Hi blinding the hearts of lost men and women today. no december issue Because of the fact that the 1955 Bible Institute Calendar will be coming into your homes shortly, there will not be an issue of the BI OLA BROADCAST ER for the month of December. Be watching for the January publication, however, which will contain many new and vitally interesting features. free class study note from book of revelation offered Response to the new series of verse by verse studies on the book of Revelation by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, has been very gratifying and certainly indicates a real hunger on the part of God's people to study the Bible in this systematic way.
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