"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" MATTHEW 16:26 Someone has suggested an interesting experiment which, if conducted, becomes quite revealing to us. First of all, take a piece of plain flat paper and place it on a flat piece of metal. Then, light the paper and you will find that the fire soon goes out. The scientific reason for this is that metal absorbs heat and therefore starves the flames until they die out. While this perhaps is the explanation of the simple test, yet I believe it has a real lesson in it for all of us today, for .in a like manner when gold is placed close to the soul, it causes the holy flame of our love for God tp shrink and diminish. The heart of a true Christian cannot embrace God in His fullness and at the same time a love for money with its accompanying idolatrous ruin. Paul could say, "For to me to live is Christ." But many today could only admit, "For to me to live is money," or "fame," or "social prominence," or "business success." In First Timothy we read "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." How many professing children of God have found themselves ensnared in the things of this world with ensuing trials, testings and heartaches as they have clung so tenaciously to money. Remem– ber, the important exhortation in Scripture, "It is required in steward that a man be found faithful." As we give to God that which is rightfully His, our joy in His service will be multiplied to an untold degree! radio choir Mr. Earl Hulin, Director of Music for BIOLA, has announced that pastors of churches in the Southern California area will now have the opportunity of Sacred Music Concerts for their members with the MUSICAL BIOLANS, the choir which is regularly featured over the Bible Institute Hour. For informa– tion and possible dates for appearances, contact the Music Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, or you may call MAdison 5-1641, Extension 53. .... .... .... ..,......... (CLIP OUT AND MAlL TODAY) BIOLA BROADC.ASTER Bible.lnstitute of Los Angeles, Inc, 553South H91>e Street . Los Angeles 17, California Dear Sirs: .Please send me free copies of the checked mate.rial: D Th~ November Class Notes for Dr. Fei_nberg's Revelation series. · D The November Panel Discussion (You may request any back _; issues you wish.) . . ~ ·. D The booklet "Heaven, The Believer's Eternal Home/' by lk_ Talbot (as supply lasts). . . . · . .D The Catalog of our BIOLA htll-color motion pic.ture produc– tions. · · D A free edition of "The King's Business," "BIOLA's literarf voice dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home. I am enclosing a love gift of $.................................................. to be used in the fr~ining of young people for world-wide missionary service for the Lord Jesus Christ. · . NAME..................................................,..... ~ ............................................. . ADDRESS.....................................................................:............................. CITY AND STATE..,...................................:.................._.......................
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