JH Underwriting Guide


Frequently Asked Questions


Is vaping (E-cigs) or taking Chantix considered tobacco use? Yes. What if a client uses 0 mg nicotine e-cigs? The Simple Term with Vitality application asks for nicotine, tobacco and smoking-cessation products. Using any of these three products within the past 12 months renders the tobacco risk class. Are people who are in the military and on disability eligible for Simple Term with Vitality? If the applicant is working full-time but receiving military or own-occupation disability, they are eligible.

Does John Hancock accept Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) holders or only US citizens? Only US citizens and permanent residence/green card holders are eligible to apply for Simple Term with Vitality. Am I able to sell other John Hancock products? No, Simple Term with Vitality is currently the only product available at this time.

Risk class criteria

Prescription drug exclusions

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