2023 Impact Report


Mothers Against Drunk Driving ®



On the Cover

Dear Friends of MADD...................................................................3

Advocacy........................................................................................... 5

Program Highlights........................................................................7

Voices of Victims............................................................................9

Financial Report..............................................................................11

Etoile Patrick, son John Michael Patrick, Jr. killed by drunk driver March 2007.

Board of Directors...........................................................................13

THE MISSION The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving ® ( MADD ) is to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking.

Donors................................................................................................. 15

The MADD Network.........................................................................17

John, Arianna and Alisa McMorris, brother and son Andrew killed by drunk driver September 2018.



Reflecting on my two years as Board Chair of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to steer this exceptional organization toward a brighter future. Thanks to the unwavering support of our community partners, generous donors, dedicated volunteers, and hardworking staff, 2022 and 2023 have been transformative years for MADD, as we have achieved significant milestones together. My journey with MADD began after a personal tragedy when I lost my sister-in-law at the hands of a drunk driver in 2017. I could not have foreseen then how my involvement with MADD would deepen,

I am writing to share with you the remarkable achievements and progress that Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) has made in 2023, as outlined in our Impact Report. Throughout the year, MADD has demonstrated unwavering commitment to our mission of saving lives and supporting victims affected by impaired driving. One of the key highlights of 2023 is the advancement of Lifesaving Auto Technology Legislation (HALT). Our steadfast advocacy efforts resulted in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issuing a call for public comments, marking a significant step forward in developing safety standards for life-saving impaired driving prevention technology. This milestone brings us closer to implementing passive technology in vehicles, which is projected to save over 10,000 lives annually once fully realized. Additionally, MADD has implemented a new organizational strategy, laying out a comprehensive three-year plan focusing on strategic imperatives such as growing public awareness and engagement across diverse communities, galvanizing collective action for equitable traffic safety rulemaking, and enhancing operational infrastructure through investment in a diverse workforce and culture. Furthermore, we have initiated a brand refresh and repositioning to ensure our messaging and visual identity align with our evolving mission and resonate with our diverse stakeholders. This refresh reflects our commitment to staying effective in our advocacy efforts and victim support. As we reflect on these achievements, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated volunteers, staff, partners, and donors. Through their unwavering support and commitment, MADD continues to make a profound impact in the fight against impaired driving. Looking ahead, we are poised to build upon these successes and further strengthen our impact in the coming year. Together, as the entire MADD family, we are working tirelessly to save lives, serve more victims and/or survivors, and ultimately, put an end to impaired driving. With gratitude and determination,

transforming pain into action. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to stand shoulder- to-shoulder alongside other victims and survivors, channeling our collective grief into MADD’s mission. My driving force is working toward a future free of such devastating loss. I was honored to be part of the effort that resulted in the most significant legislative victory in MADD’s history — the passage of the HALT Drunk Driving Act. As we continue to press for the timely implementation of that groundbreaking law and the impaired driving prevention technology it will bring to new vehicles in the years ahead, I firmly believe that we are moving closer to a reality where families no longer have to fear losing loved ones to drunk driving. This vision of No More Victims® has fueled my dedication to MADD over the past two years. As I pass the torch to our new board chair, Jennifer Mitchell, I do so with full confidence that the path we have paved together will be broadened and enriched by her leadership and the entire MADD community. I leave my role confident in the knowledge that the impactful work we’ve accomplished together will continue, touching more lives and making our shared dream of a world without drunk driving a reality. Sincerely,

Andrew Robinson Board Chair

Stacey D. Stewart CEO




Thousands of MADD advocates contacted their representatives in Congress and urged them to vote “no.”

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – After two years of MADD victims and survivors, volunteers, partners, and staff calling for the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish regulations for equipping all new vehicles with advanced impaired driving prevention technology, the federal government announced the first significant action to implement the HALT Act on December 12, 2023, with an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM). MADD activated its network of advocates to contact the government to urge prioritization of the rulemaking, which is required by the Honoring the Abbas Family Legacy to Terminate (HALT) Drunk Driving Act signed into law in 2021. The HALT Act is named in memory of five family members

them to vote “no” on the Massie amendment. Victims and survivors and MADD staff met virtually with Members of Congress and their staff to share how this violent crime has impacted their lives and why this lifesaving technology is important to them.

existing ignition interlock law to ensure more offenders are ordered to use them before their full driving privileges are restored. These new laws culminated years of advocacy in both states by committed victims and survivors. Bentley’s Law – Texas, Kentucky and Maine joined Tennessee in passing their versions of Bentley’s Law to require impaired driving offenders who kill a parent or guardian to pay child support or restitution to the surviving children. Kentucky’s “Melanie’s Law” added eligibility for children of severely injured patents. Bentley’s Law was created by Cecilia Williams and named after her grandson, Bentley, whose father Cordell, mother Lacey and 4-month-old brother Cordell II were killed in a crash in 2021. Cecilia’s story has resonated across the nation and sparked a national movement to pass this law in honor of the innocent children left behind by someone’s choice to drive while impaired. Traffic Safety Enforcement – With funding for traffic safety enforcement at risk in Colorado, MADD mobilized to advocate for high-visibility enforcement focused on hazardous driving that is proven to result in safer roads and reduced inequities in traffic stops. The proposed cuts to law enforcement funding in Colorado reflects challenges across the country to preserve traffic safety enforcement while reducing disparities in traffic stops.

from Michigan – Rima and Issam Abbas and their children Ali, Isabella and Giselle – who were killed by a drunk driver in Kentucky on their way home from a Florida vacation. The law requires completion of the rulemaking by November 2024 and sets a two- to three-year deadline for auto makers to begin manufacturing passive, unobtrusive impaired driving prevention technology into all new vehicles. Massie Amendment – Prior to the ANPRM announcement in December, a misguided attempt by Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) to block funding for the HALT Act implementation ignited a rapid mobilization by MADD, victims and survivors and partners who rallied to help successfully defeat it. Thousands of MADD advocates contacted their representatives in Congress and urged Chief Government Affairs Officer Stephanie Manning, Vickie Brown, whose 12-year-old son Darius was killed by a drunk driver, Kristine Villatoro, whose daughter Anna was killed in an impaired driving crash, and MADD Program Manager Jennifer Hamilton at the ANPRM announcement in Washington, D.C.

Ignition Interlock Laws – MADD’s movement to help pass laws in every state that require drunk driving offenders to install ignition interlocks after the first offense and all subsequent offenses successfully added South Carolina, bringing the total number of states with all-offender ignition interlock laws to 35. In addition, the team in Louisiana substantially strengthened an far right, and Melanie Hull’s family. Kentucky’s version of “Bentley’s Law” is named for Melanie, who was severely injured in a crash. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signs “Melanie’s Law,” with Cecilia Williams,

MADD mobilized thousands of victims and survivors to tell NHTSA why it’s important to build impaired driving prevention technology into all new cars.




Saturation Saturday

Community Outreach Through our efforts to eliminate impaired driving, MADD is in the community, sharing our lifesaving message on the dangers of impaired driving and underage substance use along with victims and survivors sharing their stories to end these 100% preventable tragedies. Through nearly 1,500 community events, campaigns and presentations, MADD reached an audience of nearly 6,400,000 individuals with our lifesaving message Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving drivers from our roadways and discourage others from driving impaired. We applaud the bravery of our law enforcement partners in their dedicated efforts to save lives on our roadways while risking their own lives to end this 100% preventable crime. With our long- MADD supports fair and just high-visibility enforcement efforts to remove impaired standing partnership, in 2023, we hosted 75 Law Enforcement Recognition Events, honoring nearly 5,200 officers who have gone beyond the call of duty to combat impaired driving. In addition, MADD showed our support by attending over 300 sobriety checkpoint activations and more than 400 roll call briefings. Volunteers

MADD volunteers and staff teamed up for the fifth annual Saturation Saturday on August 26, 2023. Events included “Law Enforcement” roll


Underage Substance Use Prevention Programs Parent or Teen Educated: A parent or teen is educated on underage drinking every 2 minutes. Now in its 12th year,


calls, checkpoints, press conferences and other activities in an effort to stop impaired driving. Walk Like MADD MADD’s signature fundraising event brought more than 13,000 supporters out to help us raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk and drugged driving. Victim Services 9,739 victims/survivors served and 119,124 services provided, that’s one service every 4 minutes. MADD has historically served more than 900,000 (actual 911,856) victims/survivors. Victim Impact Panels MADD’s Victim Impact Panel

Strongly agreed that riding with an impaired driver was dangerous • 92% of all youth educated correctly identified 21 as the minimum drinking age for alcohol in all 50 states.

Power of Parents® works to empower parents and caring adults of high school and middle school aged students to have honest and ongoing conversations about the dangers and the consequences of underage drinking, impaired driving and riding with an impaired driver. • Almost 9,000 parents and ®

Power of Me!® is MADD’s newest underage drinking prevention program adapted from MADD’s evaluated, evidence-based Protecting You/Protecting


Me (PY/PM) program (no longer in circulation), with science – and health-based lessons, that correlate with educational achievement objectives that teach children about: 1) The brain – how it continues to develop throughout childhood and adolescence, what alcohol does to the developing brain, and why it is important for children to protect their brains. 2) Vehicle safety – particularly what children can do to protect themselves if they have to ride with someone who is impaired. 3) Life skills – including decision-making, resistance strategies, and communication. • MADD reached almost 6,800 4th and 5th graders and provided over 2,100 educational resources in its first year.

caring adults educated • Over 17,000 handbooks distributed

Power of You(th)® provides teens with research-based information on the dangers of underage substance use, interactive tools to resist peer pressure and


Program focuses on humanizing the devastating consequences of substance impaired driving. These panels provide victims

resources to empower teens to take the next step and influence their peers to make smarter and safer choices. • MADD’s Power of You(th) Program educated over 110,000 youth from 6th to 12th grade and provided almost 68,000 pieces of educational literature. • 83% of all youth educated committed to wait until 21 before consuming alcohol • Almost 98% of all youth educated Agreed or

and survivors the opportunity to share their stories and the impact of the crash in a meaningful way. MADD educated almost 285,000 attendees through its Victim Impact Panel programs in 2023.

Thank you to all the volunteers who supported Mothers Against Drunk Driving in 2023. Your

dedication and tireless efforts have helped save lives and inspire positive change in our communities.






Support Every Step of the Way

Turning Pain Into Purpose

aitlyn was just 18 years old when she was driving home from a carefree day at the beach with her best friend and new puppy when her life was tragically ended. A 10,000-pound furniture delivery truck swerved into Kaitlyn’s lane and crashed directly into her car. The driver was under the influence of alcohol, cocaine, THC, and barbiturates while driving on a suspended license. Kaitlyn was killed instantly. “It is a mother’s worst nightmare,” Kaitlyn’s mother, Tammy, says. “The loss of a child is hell on earth.” The hopes and dreams of a vibrant teenager were shattered in an instant. Kaitlyn was about to graduate from high school and pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. She had just completed a Girl Scout Gold Award project and was preparing to submit her final project.

n April 10, 2016, two drunk drivers changed Michelle Ramsey Hawkin’s life forever. Traveling back from a housewarming party with her children, 15-year-old daughter Kaylee, 6-year-old Khaiden, and 4-year-old Samuel, her two boys, Khaiden and Samuel were killed by a drunk driver.

As Michelle was driving home, the events of that night were already beginning to unfold. Up ahead, a trash compacter

fell from the back of a pickup truck. The driver of the pickup truck, who had two previous DUI convictions, was driving drunk that night. He didn’t bother to stop. A minute later, Michelle crashed into the trash compacter. Meanwhile, two good Samaritans, a father and his teenage son who’d heard the initial crash from their home, set up orange safety triangles to divert traffic around the wreck. A drunk driver, a man with blood alcohol content nearly three times the legal limit crashed through the safety triangles and crashed into the Hawkins family.

The judge who oversaw the case called it one of the worst impaired driving cases he had seen. “Every bit of this was preventable,” he remarked. Yet one man’s reckless choices destroyed a beautiful young life and crushed her entire family. Because no family should have to suffer such an unimaginable loss, Tammy has turned her pain into purpose, becoming a volunteer with MADD as a MADD National Ambassador. Today, she courageously shares her family’s devastating experience to shed light on the dangers of impaired driving.

When Michelle awoke, she was lying on the ground and couldn’t move or see but could hear her daughter’s cries. And she immediately understood the absence of her sons’. They were gone. For two years, the man who killed Michelle’s sons and injured three others walked free. Finally, on July 26, 2018, a judge sentenced him to 19 years in prison. The drunk driver who dropped the trash compactor and set into motion the events of that night is out of jail. “Mothers Against Drunk Driving was there for my family at the beginning. My MADD Victims Services Specialist showed up every step of the way with support and information. Today, she is like a second mother to me. It is with her encouragement that I share our story,” said Michelle Ramsey Hawkins. Today, Michelle is a dedicated volunteer with MADD and serves as a MADD National Ambassador advocating to end impaired driving.




Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2023

REVENUES Contributions

EXPENSES Program Services

Individual Corporate Foundation

$5,969,036 4,383,774

Campaign to eliminate drunk driving

$14,779,839 3,312,713 9,762,309 27,854,861 7,639,691 3,469,893 11,109,584

Underage drinking

1,653,613 1,174,295

Victim services


Total Program Services



Supporting Services

Special events revenue, net


Management and general

Other revenue


Investment return, net

1,369,347 10,217,831

Total Supporting Services

Victim impact panels and court ordered revenue

Loss on disposal fo plant, property and equipment


Licenses, registration and other revenue


Total Expenses



Total Revenue

(2,436,641) 17,349,832 $14,913,191

Change in Net Assets

Net Assets, beginning of year

Net Assets, end of year




Thank you to our 2023 Board Members

Andrew Robinson Chair of Board

Matthew Bretz Vice Chair of Board

Martha Frye Treasurer

Nicole Hutchinson

Marc Benardout

Eric Ebenstein

Season Atkinson

Jeffrey Glover

Nathaniel “Nat” Beuse

Iesha Berry

Erika Bennett

Tony Pham

Rahul Dubey

Sophia Toh

Jennifer Mitchell

Welcome to new and returning 2024 Board Members

Jennifer Mitchell Chair of Board Marc Benardout Erika Bennett Iesha Berry Nathaniel (“Nat”) Beuse Matthew Bretz Carly Doshi Rahul Dubey

Eric Ebenstein David Esmie

Natalie Furniss Jeffrey Glover Nicole Hutchinson

Tony Pham Sophia Toh Treasurer




January 1 – December 31, 2023

$250,000 + Anheuser-Busch The Estate of Joan Robbins Intoxalock Nationwide Waymo LLC $100,000 - $249,999 Amica Insurance The Cauthen Charitable Fund Circle K Stores Inc. Cruise The Estate of Dorothy J. Brunker

The Estate of Valerie E. Gerstenberger UKG Accident Law Group, LLC $25,000 - $49,999 Abbott ADM America Textile Recycling Services Atlanta Falcons Stadium Atlanta United FC LLC Association for Los Angles Sheriff The Estate of Barbara Rittenhouse CMRK, Inc. The Estate of Elvira Marotta Farmers Insurance Georgia Automobile Dealers Association Kenan Advantage Group (KAG) Legends Hospitality, LLC Matthew D. and Carol A. Shedd Foundation Mohegan Sun National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) Parnall Law Firm Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard PC State Farm Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation TJ Nilsen Fund The Salah Foundation Yarborough Applegate LLS

GM NFL Uber Walmart Foundation

Mission Delivery Leadership meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

White Family Trust Yelverton Law Firm $50,000 - $99,999 Atlanta Falcons Football Club Bachus & Schanker Cares Foundation Fundación MAPFRE Gail A. Heerwald Trust The Estate of Jean S. Donohoe The Estate of Laura R. Allbritton The Law Offices of Kenneth Berger Live Nation Margaret Hull Trust OnPoint Global

Thank you to all the generous donors who supported Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) last year! Your contributions make a significant impact in our mission to end drunk and drugged driving, support victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking. Together, we are saving lives and creating a safer community.




others Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) has launched The MADD® Network to unite diverse partners who share one vital mission: eliminating impaired driving. The power of The MADD Network comes from each partner using their own platform to help educate their unique community about the dangers of driving while impaired, the need for underage drinking education/prevention, and legislative efforts that will drive real progress. We want you to join us in the fight against drunk driving. Together, let’s embark on a journey towards our bold goal: decrease impaired driving injuries and fatalities by 20% by 2026. M

Join The MADD® Network, create lasting change! Learn more at madd.org/themaddnetwork



MADD Mission Support Center 511 E. John Carpenter Freeway Suite 200 Irving, TX 75062 877-ASK-MADD (877-275-6233) madd.org

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