2023 Impact Report


Saturation Saturday

Community Outreach Through our efforts to eliminate impaired driving, MADD is in the community, sharing our lifesaving message on the dangers of impaired driving and underage substance use along with victims and survivors sharing their stories to end these 100% preventable tragedies. Through nearly 1,500 community events, campaigns and presentations, MADD reached an audience of nearly 6,400,000 individuals with our lifesaving message Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving drivers from our roadways and discourage others from driving impaired. We applaud the bravery of our law enforcement partners in their dedicated efforts to save lives on our roadways while risking their own lives to end this 100% preventable crime. With our long- MADD supports fair and just high-visibility enforcement efforts to remove impaired standing partnership, in 2023, we hosted 75 Law Enforcement Recognition Events, honoring nearly 5,200 officers who have gone beyond the call of duty to combat impaired driving. In addition, MADD showed our support by attending over 300 sobriety checkpoint activations and more than 400 roll call briefings. Volunteers

MADD volunteers and staff teamed up for the fifth annual Saturation Saturday on August 26, 2023. Events included “Law Enforcement” roll


Underage Substance Use Prevention Programs Parent or Teen Educated: A parent or teen is educated on underage drinking every 2 minutes. Now in its 12th year,


calls, checkpoints, press conferences and other activities in an effort to stop impaired driving. Walk Like MADD MADD’s signature fundraising event brought more than 13,000 supporters out to help us raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk and drugged driving. Victim Services 9,739 victims/survivors served and 119,124 services provided, that’s one service every 4 minutes. MADD has historically served more than 900,000 (actual 911,856) victims/survivors. Victim Impact Panels MADD’s Victim Impact Panel

Strongly agreed that riding with an impaired driver was dangerous • 92% of all youth educated correctly identified 21 as the minimum drinking age for alcohol in all 50 states.

Power of Parents® works to empower parents and caring adults of high school and middle school aged students to have honest and ongoing conversations about the dangers and the consequences of underage drinking, impaired driving and riding with an impaired driver. • Almost 9,000 parents and ®

Power of Me!® is MADD’s newest underage drinking prevention program adapted from MADD’s evaluated, evidence-based Protecting You/Protecting


Me (PY/PM) program (no longer in circulation), with science – and health-based lessons, that correlate with educational achievement objectives that teach children about: 1) The brain – how it continues to develop throughout childhood and adolescence, what alcohol does to the developing brain, and why it is important for children to protect their brains. 2) Vehicle safety – particularly what children can do to protect themselves if they have to ride with someone who is impaired. 3) Life skills – including decision-making, resistance strategies, and communication. • MADD reached almost 6,800 4th and 5th graders and provided over 2,100 educational resources in its first year.

caring adults educated • Over 17,000 handbooks distributed

Power of You(th)® provides teens with research-based information on the dangers of underage substance use, interactive tools to resist peer pressure and


Program focuses on humanizing the devastating consequences of substance impaired driving. These panels provide victims

resources to empower teens to take the next step and influence their peers to make smarter and safer choices. • MADD’s Power of You(th) Program educated over 110,000 youth from 6th to 12th grade and provided almost 68,000 pieces of educational literature. • 83% of all youth educated committed to wait until 21 before consuming alcohol • Almost 98% of all youth educated Agreed or

and survivors the opportunity to share their stories and the impact of the crash in a meaningful way. MADD educated almost 285,000 attendees through its Victim Impact Panel programs in 2023.

Thank you to all the volunteers who supported Mothers Against Drunk Driving in 2023. Your

dedication and tireless efforts have helped save lives and inspire positive change in our communities.



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